Recent content by Ajones813

  1. Ajones813

    Breed suggestions/help...please :)

    We had our first experience with hatching in an incubator over Memorial Day weekend. They were Buffs and a barnyard mixture. Other than the Buffs, here are the 4 distinct breeds in our hatch (21 in all). I've numbered for a possible reference :) Thank you SO much in advance!! :) I've been...
  2. Ajones813

    Rat poison??

    We have 7 Silver Laced Wyandottes. I found one dead earlier today. From what I could see, there were no signs of pulled feathers, blood, red spots, etc. I called soooooo many places and only 1 vet offered to do a necropsy on a chicken, but were super pricey! A few months ago, the county tore...
  3. I LOVE this boy! He's THE best and loves to be held! "Lil' Roo"

    I LOVE this boy! He's THE best and loves to be held! "Lil' Roo"

  4. My Best Bud!

    My Best Bud!

  5. Fraggle Rock :))

    Fraggle Rock :))

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