Recent content by AleyMoore

  1. AleyMoore

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    They have arrived!!!! looking like I’ll be getting Christmas babies!! 120 pearl and 60 snowie!
  2. AleyMoore

    ➡ Quail Hatch Along🥚

    Got these fancy split feathers from some of our flock today!!
  3. AleyMoore

    Full crop or Sour Crop?

    Heyo!! Got a chick I’m curious (re: paranoid) about!! Went out at 8a to let the bigger girls out of their run and this girl had her tail down and her crop looked larger then normal. Everyone else on her side of the run has a normal crop for it being 8a. I picked her up (which is weird since...
  4. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    Update: Got Corid. Was treating her for the last few days. She looked like she was getting better. Tail back up, walking around this am when I checked in on her. Went out tonight with the dog and heard the chickens raising a fuss and Whiskey was curled in a corner not moving. Brought her inside...
  5. AleyMoore


    Hey y’all!! I live around east Dallas!! I’ve got 4 speckled Sussex, 4 Swedish hens, 3 Amerauacana and 1 EE!
  6. AleyMoore

    Varied flock. What to feed.

    We also have Coturnix quail and we feed 30% protein from hatch to cull (8 weeks), since you use yours for breeding and eggs I’d suggest looking into a game bird maintenance feed (the one TSC sells is 12.5% protein). We also mix our 30% protein feed with 16% layer crumbles!
  7. AleyMoore

    Pallet Coop Construction

    I live around Dallas tx!! So it snows once every four or five years! I’ve had to modify the plans I originally had so we will probably have a door that opens normally! Hopefully I can post some updates later this week! I work at a restaurant and it’s been killer due to the holidays so I haven’t...
  8. AleyMoore

    New member. Quail only

    Welcome!!! I have Coturnix quail as well!!!
  9. AleyMoore

    Pallet Coop Construction

    Well. Since my math these days has become chicken math and all my girls are outgrowing the coop we currently have, the BF and I have decided to see if we can build our own coop made from pallets we’ve managed to salvage!! Today we got the floor and base put together!! Tomorrow we start the walls...
  10. AleyMoore

    Pearl-Fee/Snowie Coturnix Quail Discussion Thread

    I am sadly in Texas 😔😔 otherwise I’d take your offer!
  11. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    she was eating right before we grabbed her to bring her inside for pics, and I’ve spent a couple hours with the chickens the last couple days and she was eating then, but yes, we will be bringing her inside to monitor her for the next couple days!
  12. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    I’ll start corid today, I was actually gonna grab it while grabbing chicken food today. Thank you for your help!
  13. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    We actually did quarantine her for a month!
  14. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    We’ve had her since sept 11, got her and another chicken who we actually gave back bc that was a roo. She’s never really vocalized for crowed and her saddle feathers are rounded. (Ft her and said roo)
  15. AleyMoore

    Possible Coccidia

    We’ve had her since sept 11. Wormed all the chickens about two weeks ago. She’s five months old now, but even the girls I got in may haven’t started laying eggs yet. She does free range but they don’t have any access to the compost pile, we’ve got it closed off.
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