Recent content by aligoody

  1. aligoody

    Slightly Split Beak - Grow out or Try to fix?

    So glad to hear it healed nicely! I think I'm going to leave my girl alone too and let it heal itself!
  2. aligoody

    Slightly Split Beak - Grow out or Try to fix?

    What did you decide to do @vjradford? I just noticed my RIR also has a tiny split at the tip of her beak (a little less than yours).
  3. aligoody

    Frustrated by bully! Help, please!

    @Mrs. K thank you so much for taking the time to respond! Your points are ones that I have not come across in what I have read so far, but seem so practical and easy to implement. I think you are exactly correct. While Lorelei (the lowest ranked hen) has a few places to run to get away, she...
  4. aligoody

    Frustrated by bully! Help, please!

    Thank you for your responses @mackenzie450 and @aart!! Admittedly, my coop and run are not huge, but I only have 3 chickens and have plans to expand by fencing in a larger area for them. They have about 46 square feet of run space. I'd love to just let them free range, but my four dogs won't...
  5. aligoody

    Frustrated by bully! Help, please!

    Just a little extra info: the 3 birds are all from the same original flock and I've had them since they were 8 weeks old with absolutely no problems between them until now. 2 of the hens started laying this month, but the bully is yet to lay as far as I can tell (although she's been showing...
  6. aligoody

    Frustrated by bully! Help, please!

    About 3 weeks ago we noticed one of our hens had been pecked and and bloodied on both sides of her back. We immediately separated her in a dog crate in the house and cared for her wounds for one and a half weeks and they healed beautifully. She now just has bare skin under her wings while she...
  7. aligoody

    Skin abrasions and plucked feathers

    wanted to update in case anyone finds this post in the future and has similar issues: Lorelei has healed nicely! We kept her in a dog crate (in the house) for 5 days. She even lay two eggs for us! At least twice a day, we sprayed her wounds with MicrocynAH Poultry Care (from Tractor Supply)...
  8. aligoody

    Skin abrasions and plucked feathers

    I'm a new chicken mom to 3 - 24 week old hens. I've had them since they were about 8 weeks old. All has been well and they just started laying last week. Today I noticed my Australorp's feathers looked a little odd. When I checked, she has two sores on either side of her hind quarters under...
  9. aligoody

    Barred Rock...gender help!

    Thank you all SO much!! This has been so helpful!
  10. aligoody

    Barred Rock...gender help!

    eeep! Thank you all! Luckily I can "trade" him back for a lady Any things in particular I should look for to identify a female, other than a smaller comb and wattles?
  11. aligoody

    Barred Rock...gender help!

    Got my first ever chickens today and was hoping you could help identify the gender of my 7 week old Barred Rock baby!
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