Recent content by allameraucana

  1. A

    How to store feed without mold?

    Hi everyone thanks for your responses. I only have this issue in the summer since that's when our humidity picks up. I only buy 50lb bags at a time and for now I just keep it in the original bag. It is stored in our shed which has a concrete floor. Usually I just leave the bag open so it gets...
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    How to store feed without mold?

    Hi guys Every summer is gets really humid where I live. How can I store pellet feed without it molding and without critters being able to get into it?
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    Help! Hens plucking one hen

    Hi thank you for this. So, to make sure I have this clear, enclose the victim hen, only letting her mingle with the others for short periods of time. Over 2 weeks or so, gradually increase the amount of time she mingles with the others. Hopefully, by the end, she will have more confidence and...
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    Help! Hens plucking one hen

    My ameraucana doesn't even have her beard anymore and it's so sad 😭
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    Help! Hens plucking one hen

    Hi everyone A while back my hen named Turkey lost some of her feathers on her throat. The dumb other ones keep plucking her feathers out there and she is, once again, bare and red in that area. She will get pin feathers and the others pluck them out, I've witnessed them. And Turkey doesn't...
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    Diarrhea, no other symptoms, causes?

    No I still haven't figured it out. I did put diatomaceous earth in their feed which caused their eggs to be laid cleaner but just yesterday another one of them had diarrhea but it has been far less frequent. I think I'm also dealing with depluming mites... diarrhea might be a sign of stress or...
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    Moving chicks to coop

    How are they this AM??
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    Ivermectin kick in time?

    They've all lost feathers to some degree .. some definitely worse than others. They definitely have enough space, things to climb on, etc .. including enough space on their roosts .. I've observed them a lot and that's how I know they've been doing it to themselves. At least some of the time
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    Ivermectin kick in time?

    I haven't actually seen them. I've tried looking but it's hard to see especially because 4 of them are black. One of them has gone bald on her throat and back of her head. One of the ameraucanas has pulled her beard out. They others have broken ends of tail feathers. Broken feathers on chest...
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    Ivermectin kick in time?

    Hi, 1 wk and 1d ago I treated my hens with permithrin dust and cleaned out the coop and sprayed it with permithrin concentrate. As of this past Friday, they were still losing feathers, etc so on Sunday (yesterday) I gave them a dose of ivermectin pour on, redusted them, and did the coop all...
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    Advice before we take the plunge

    I would actually recommend to you a heat plate rather than heat lamps. They function much more like a mama hen, are way less dangerous (fire risk), and much simpler to use. I recommend the brand Brinsea :) I put my chicks in a cardboard box that held a stove. It was plenty of room for them for...
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    Tablet for lice and mites?

    I am battling mites right now and the permithrin dust did not work for me. So I have gone the ivermectin pour on route plus another dusting of permithrin.
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    Moving chicks to coop

    I think your plan sounds great. Just think, if they were being raised by a mama hen, that is where they would be and they would go under her wing for warmth. I think it is totally fine as long as they have their heat source and are not susceptible to predators.
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    Ivermectin cattle pour on for large breed hens?

    You are my savior ... one more question for you. How do I weigh them?? Lol I'm just picturing putting them in one of those produce scales at the grocery store .. I have a scale but I can't imagine they would stand on it long enough since it is digital and takes a min
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    What to feed hens to get super orange yolks?

    I have heard of marigold extract being used but nothing I have ever tried myself
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