Recent content by ally512

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    Help! My chicken won't come out of the coop!

    So this is my first year with chickens I have 12 on of which is smaller than the rest I call her chickylittle,she don't like to leave the coop that much only when she thinks the others have something good, sometimes I'll go out and she comes right to me she loves to be held when she was a chick...
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    Do you let your chickens out in the rain?

    My chickens love the run weather it's raining or not,but they do tend to go inside when it's heavy they love to play in the puddles that get made ,I sometimes dump bucket of water in there run in one spot so they can cool off and cuz they love it,but I use wood pune shavings in coop and in run...
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    so someone drooped this guy off on dirt road in west bridgewater if anyone knows who's it is or would like to give a home please mess me asap I can't keep him I have 12 and two roos that grew up together and hooks just like mine but I'd anyone knows or wants him shoot me mess rhanks
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    Also do I put hay in there pen outside or just leave it ,it's not Mudd it's actually all like leave mulch from years of sitting it used to be a pen for my dogs 10 years ago but it's big
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    Can I use hay for inside the coop or just pine shaveings,I put some dry grass so I'm not sure what to use
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    great, a rooster hopefully he stays quiet he's pretty quiet and keeps to himslef,but I was woundering is like 64-65 ok weather for them at night,I don't want to add a light unless really have too it's pretty warm in there coop,we live in Massachusetts west bridgewater so it's a little cool but...
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    this is the coop it has vents on eaither side sun roof and window,it'll be hooked up to the outside pen tomorrow with the netting on top of fence with electric around and in dirt
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    so is this a red rooster or hen cuz she don't look like the 11 others I have and they all came together ,and we just put them in this coop so why are they huddled together they know who I am maybe cuz it's new,my birds are wierd
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    Yes were attaching it right to the coop,we had a problem with it some it got a hole in it and I belive it's from when we had dogs so we're moving the fence, that way alls I have to do is open the door for them
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    And thank u I think this is only place I can get answers
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    K so how long do I keep them inside of the coop,I'm worried even thow they have ventilation on both sides that there going to get too hot,we live in Massachusetts in the country ,West bridgewater and it's a big farm yard but I don't want them free range cuz I have hawks and cyotes
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    Deep Litter in dry chicken run

    So this is our frist year and we ended up with 12 chickens,we made there coop and fixing there run while there getting used to the coop,my question is the floor of coop is wood and I'm going to use hay for floor and shaveings for the nest for egg laying ,how often do I clean ,it's a 4 by 8 coop
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