Recent content by Amanda 82

  1. Amanda 82

    eye tumor?

    Shes as active as can be. Her eye just looks poor. I just wormed my flock 3 weeks ago too. Trying my best to keep an eye on all of them.
  2. Amanda 82

    eye tumor?

    Im not sure. Id have to call around. Thanks for your imput.
  3. Amanda 82

    eye tumor?

    Please help. My 7 month old silkie has a mass on her eye. It looks very painful. I really dont see her eyes alot because theyre covered with fluff. It looks like shes going blind. Can someone please tell me what it may be?
  4. Amanda 82

    Polish Thread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I would like to know if there is anyone here who has bought polish from efowl? And if so please post some pics. I ordered some white crested black polish from there and they'll be here next week. But I really want to know how they look.
  5. Amanda 82

    desperately seeking showgirls

    I am looking for some showgirl silkie eggs or chicks. I would probably need them shipped. I am desperate and have been looking everywhere. please help.
  6. Amanda 82

    Silkies from hatcheries?

    has anyone ordered silkies from Strombergs hatchery? if so please post some pics. I'm curious about how they look grown.
  7. Amanda 82

    Stromberg's Hatchery

    I ordered 25 silkies chicks. one died but they sent me 28 chicks! they shipped all the way to Alabama. I'm very impressed. totally babies are beautiful!
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