Recent content by amber t

  1. amber t

    Chicken with growth between toes??

    My friend is chicken sitting for someone. He noticed a hen not moving around much, looked closer and found big nodule like growths between her toes on both feet. Any idea what it is and how it affects the hen? thanks
  2. amber t

    DIY/Homesteading/Life on a budget

    We bought a trailer house and 9 acres back on taxes last year. I was empty for six years. Borrowed against the house in town to fix the farm house up. No one is buying so it looks like we will be renting it. We already had chickens and goats in town so we scrambled to build a 1/4 acre pen for...
  3. amber t

    Broody Hen Thread!

    I have aBo setting, just started yesterday with 3 eggs. I'll leave some more with her this evening. This will be my first brood, hopefully.
  4. amber t

    Egg eating Chickens, what do I do?

    Guess that fixed it. getting 8-11 a day out of 11 hens.
  5. amber t

    Egg eating Chickens, what do I do?

    looks like the oyster shell and confinment is starting to work, getting about 6 a day now. Gonna keep watching and looking for signs of eaten eggs. May try the dish soap/ food coloring trick to make sure no one is eating them still. I'll keep posting my prgoress, hopefully!! thanks for all...
  6. amber t

    My roll-out nest boxes ~*~Pic Heavy~*~

    Friggin' amazing I can incorporate this into my currnet coop without having to build a new oen. Thanks for sharring.
  7. amber t

    Egg eating Chickens, what do I do?

    I got a small bag, and have put out a handful, last week. Most of it is still there. Did you mix it in with the food, or just through it out for them to find? Maybe I should increase the serving.
  8. amber t

    Egg eating Chickens, what do I do?

    They are Free range. We raised them with a ceramic egg, so they have every opportunity to peck it. We tried hot sauce. We tried paint. Caught and disposed of one hen. We have added dog and cat food for protein. We have given them oyster shell. Now we are trying solitary cages to see who is...
  9. amber t

    One of my my chickens laid an egg with a belly button....weeeeeeird!

    I got one thar was wrinkled and bumpy. Haven't eatin it yet, it is too amusing!
  10. amber t

    egg eatin' chicken

    We went from getting 10 eggs a day down to 3-4. Filled one up with Hot Hot sauce, the shell and all was gone. This did not fix the problem. So we filled one with paint, found one BO covered in paint from her beak to her toes. Not a drop on anyone else.
  11. amber t

    long toe nails?

    That is kinda what I was thinking, they came from a nice lush yard, and I figured I would trim them sometime. Was just curious about it. Thanks
  12. amber t

    long toe nails?

    Just bought seven hens (2 arconas, 3 turkens, 1 polish, and 1 dom). They are not laying like my BO, but who can!! The previous owner said they were molting, they also had tics, so I'm working on that and they are already looking better. They are shiney and have new feathers coming in. Then I...
  13. amber t

    Tics on my chicks

    Thanks!! I was nervous about using 7, but had seen it on BYC several times. We dusted two nights in a row and will re-do on the 13th.
  14. amber t

    Tics on my chicks

    I got a new flock that has small flea looking bugs that cluster together like tics. The walk/crawl like tics, are a reddish brown, and are itty bitty. What are they and how do you get rid of them? Thanks.
  15. amber t

    the bloody fall of 2012

    Last week my seven pygmy goats (2 pregnant) were killed by a pack of dogs roaming the area. Now I have owls after my chickens. (sigh) I have exchanged sleep for ammo, but have not had the privelage to avenge the goats yet. Every dog has his day, I hope it is soon. Not sure how to handle...
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