Recent content by Amelia Kellum

  1. Amelia Kellum

    *CLOSED* Best Chicken Contest

    Beautiful chicken, what breed is she?
  2. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    I also have a beautiful Lemon Pyle Brahma, hatched May 1st, her name is Oscar Goldman. Perhaps she should have been named "Butter," but we love trailer park boys, so here you go. Her brother, Benedict Cumberhatch, is seen in the background of her adult pic, while Mother Clucker is seen in her...
  3. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    I had to go look these up, this bird is extra!
  4. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    I love the pictures. Pretty girl!
  5. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    Wow! Her feathers are so beautiful! Your bird just inspired me to buy one. I left this post and went to add one to my last order, but I had already ordered one! So much more excited for my new chicks now. Thanks for this joy in my life right now, your chicken is glorious.
  6. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    My hen, mother clucker, looks just like a younger "curious," what a nice bird!
  7. Amelia Kellum

    prettiest Hen competition!!! feel free to join - Ends 4/9/2022

    I submit to you my best hen, Mother Clucker. She is stunning and was billed to me as an "easter egger" when purchased 4 years ago. She lays pink eggs and has green legs, which I find to be rare and much more beautiful than black or yellow legs/feet. She never has a bald spot and her eggs are...
  8. Amelia Kellum

    Hello from Hope's Happiest Hens

    They are sooo pretty! I'll share more pics!
  9. Amelia Kellum

    Hello from Hope's Happiest Hens

    Hello fellow addict!
  10. Amelia Kellum

    Hello from Hope's Happiest Hens

    Hello fellow chicken enthusiasts, I like to think of my chickens as the luckiest chickens in the world, free ranging in beautiful BC, Canada. I have been keeping laying hens as pets 4 years. I have half a dozen americaunas and nearly as many buff brahmas. I have a Lemon Pyle Brahma and a pair of...
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