Recent content by Amybeth1126

  1. Amybeth1126

    Dumb dog won't stop eating chicken poop!

    That's easy and it will benefit your chickens also...ferment their feed.  Their food is better digested, leaving nothing that taste good in their poop.  My dog stopped eating chicken poop when I started fermenting their feed and hasn't done it since.  I kind of miss it, kept the yard...
  2. Amybeth1126

    Dumb dog won't stop eating chicken poop!

    I wouldn't care so much, except my dog's breath is intolerable. I brought her to the vet in January for a cleaning, spent over $500, she lost 7 teeth, and still it smells so bad I can't sit near her. There's a product to stop them from eating their own poop, but the chickens'?? Eww...
  3. Amybeth1126

    Can Chickens Eat Grapes?

    Okay - thank you all for the comments. good to know! we've got some grapes, and will treat our chicks with them tonight!
  4. Amybeth1126

    Can Chickens Eat Grapes?

    Is there stuff to back that up? My concern is that grapes and raisins are poisonous to dogs - how can I be sure that I won't make the chicks sick? we're new to Chickens, and are arguing about whether or not it's safe.
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