Recent content by Anabariful

  1. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens in Silkie roo?

    Is there anything I can do in the meantime while I await for the vet to open?
  2. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens in Silkie roo?

    My 6-8 month old paint Silkie rooster has Clostridium perfringens, I believe. He recently has been pooping very explosive, watery, green stools. The green parts are small and scattered throughout the stool. I will try to get a picture here soon. He does appear to be less active and eating...
  3. Anabariful

    Chicken neck attack!! Help!

    Thank you everyone! So glad her story had a happy ending! <3
  4. Anabariful

    Chicken neck attack!! Help!

    I will try to get some updated pictures of her tomorrow :) She is still doing very well thankfully. Her neck feathers have regrown but are not as long and thick so they look “off” lol. Her wound has completely healed & I think that the brown thick skin scab is also completely gone (need to...
  5. Anabariful

    Geese training?

    Checking back to ask a few questions! :) My Pilgrim geese pair are all around excellent mannered and a joy to have! :) I was thinking of adding an additional female in the spring to create a trio. The original pairing will be almost a year old. Is this an acceptable choice? Are the original...
  6. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens

    How many days in a row do I inject the penicillin into the breast? Rotating sides, correct?
  7. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens

    Also, what needle size from TSC for Silkies?
  8. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens

    I said penicillin as I already have it handy but I can go to TSC & look for Tylan. Yes, I still have the deceased one. He passed late Sunday night or very early Monday morning so he is very stiff... what would I need to do for the necropsy? Thanks for the dosage & help! <3
  9. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens

    This is not my photo but definitely what theirs looks like. I will try to take a picture today of their actual stools.
  10. Anabariful

    Clostridium perfringens

    Hello, I have a small Silkie flock where one juvenile randomly passed yesterday. He was out and about very sluggish, puffed up, I brought him inside, and he passed away that night. No signs of trauma, no bloody stools (in fact, I didn’t see any stools), nothing. He wasn’t underweight? Today I...
  11. Anabariful

    Chicken neck attack!! Help!

    A HUGE thank you again to everyone who has been following and gave input. <3
  12. Anabariful

    Chicken neck attack!! Help!

    I'm so sorry I haven't updated in weeks. Anywho, just wanted to let everyone who has been following along that Gretchen is a rock star and has made a full recovery. The lacerations near the top of her neck has completely sealed up and the huge open laceration exposing her crop has closed up as...
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