Recent content by andru123456

  1. andru123456

    Chicken Losing Feathers and Picking them out. Large Bald Spot

    Thanks so much for the help, I have put her back in with the other girls. They pick on her a bit when she comes near sometimes so she is doing alot of perching and picking herself. Is there anything I can do to prevent picking? I have stopped using the no-pick stuff since it might be part of...
  2. andru123456

    Chicken Losing Feathers and Picking them out. Large Bald Spot

    Thanks for the tips Lacy Duckwing, While she does get picked on she usually evades and just goes elsewhere to be alone. Is it better to have her isolated in a small location to get some rest or to let her fend for herself in the coop? She normally sleeps next to the others without issue.
  3. andru123456

    Chicken Losing Feathers and Picking them out. Large Bald Spot

    Hi, they pick on her a bit but she mostly runs away or jumps to a higher perch. Yes some of it is definitely from the flock but I have seen her doing it as well, so maybe 50/50.
  4. andru123456

    Chicken Losing Feathers and Picking them out. Large Bald Spot

    Hi Folks, longtime lurker, finally have something to bring to the site, just wish it was something good... I have an azure blue girl, she is about 1.5 yrs old. She has a large bald spot on her back, belly and vent. She is pulling out her own feathers and has stopped laying. As of this...
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