Recent content by angela hernandez

  1. angela hernandez

    Silkie Chick with strange legs?

    Definitely! Thank you so much
  2. angela hernandez

    Silkie Chick with strange legs?

    Hello! Thank you for the advice! I had a broody hen who was laying on about 8 eggs, but this little guy and two others were behind the rest and momma got up and left to care for the ones who had already hatched, so I had to buy a last minute incubator at tractors supply :( The only one in my...
  3. angela hernandez

    Silkie Chick with strange legs?

    Haven’t posted here in a while, but I haven’t seen this before with any of my past experiences. This little one started hatching early this morning and was out of their egg by this afternoon, but it seems to have trouble walking and keeps splaying its legs like this. Is he just getting used to...
  4. angela hernandez

    buff cochin and speckled sussex cochin cross roos for rehoming

    while i would love to keep these little ones i simply cannot make any more room for more roosters, i’ve already got two and adding more to the flock would throw off our hen to rooster ratio. they’re all very sweet boys with friendly personalities, the red one is the speckled sussex buff cochin...
  5. angela hernandez

    Strange white ball inside egg

    a lash is a pus filled pocket that comes from inflammation in her oviduct usually caused by an infection. if that's the case it's probably salpingitis and you might want to get her checked out.
  6. angela hernandez

    Is it okay for a chicken to scratch/itch by there necks like dogs?

    yes, it's perfectly normal. my chickens do it all the time, and as far as I know they have no mites haha. they were probably just relieving an itch, though maybe check for mites to be safe :)
  7. angela hernandez

    Integrating chicken help!

    when I integrated my two buff orps into the flock they were a little under 5 weeks, we basically snuck them into the big girl coop once it got dark and everybody was asleep. worked great for us and they were accepted right into the flock the next morning.
  8. angela hernandez

    what breed to add to my flock? open to suggestions :)

    good to know, i'll definitely keep them in mind, thanks :)
  9. angela hernandez

    Black Orpington vs. Black Australorp

    such cuties 🥺 she's definitely an orpington
  10. angela hernandez

    what breed to add to my flock? open to suggestions :)

    you have some beautiful birds :D especially that black australorp rooster, the sheen on their feathers are really pretty
  11. angela hernandez

    what breed to add to my flock? open to suggestions :)

    I love their fluffy cheeks! makes them really cute
  12. angela hernandez

    what breed to add to my flock? open to suggestions :)

    yo well do they get along with your other hens? are they bullies or relatively chill? sorry for all the questions haha..
  13. angela hernandez

    Why is my hen's comb turning purple?

    if it sounds like she has trouble with her breathing or gasping for air? feeling around her neck and crop area, or runny nose. if she has none of those I'm not so sure what it might be if it isn't for the cold.
  14. angela hernandez

    what breed to add to my flock? open to suggestions :)

    those are the light sussex and rir cross correct? i've heard good things about the,
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