Recent content by angela27

  1. angela27

    Geese Nails

    Thank you 😊 That give’s me some relief. I will definitely be keeping an eye on him! He’s my precious little baby! He’s a bit of a goof sometimes, often walking straight into things, so it wouldn’t surprise me if he managed to get it hooked. Makes me sad to think about it, poor little dude! But...
  2. angela27

    Geese Nails

    Is it normal for geese to lose nails?? About a week ago I noticed the back bit on my goose’s foot had been bleeding and he’d lost the nail there. I stressed so bad about him getting it stuck somewhere and hurting himself! 🙁Today I noticed the back of his foot bleeding, this time the opposite...
  3. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    Update on my little dude, who’s not so little any more! Pretty sure he’s a boy, but he’s only around 6 months old yet, so is that too early to determine based on his size/looks and personality? I came here though more to ask about his nails... about a week ago I noticed the back bit on his foot...
  4. angela27

    Treating Coop for pests

    What is the safest and most effective way to treat a coop for pests, in particular stick fast fleas? I have dirt floors and wanna treat this, but scared of using something that might make the chickens sick if they injest it. During the day between 6am and 6pm they free range, so could...
  5. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    A friend gave her to me after someone dropped her into their produce shop. She was found being attacked by magpies. They thought she was a duckling. I have no other information besides that. It’s really not a super important thing to know, just something that I wanted to know, really so I can...
  6. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    I’ll get some better photos when I can get to my computer. She’s hard to take good pics with my phone cause she always comes right up to me. I have some better ones on my camera I think. I had been thinking Embden but I was thrown by the pink beak and feet cause every discription I’ve read said...
  7. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    So it’s been like a month and my little goose baby has grown huge! Any chance anyone knows what breed she is? She (or he) is all white with a pink beak and pink feet. Most breeds I’ve come across in searches are all orange beak and feet...
  8. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    Thanks so much for your help!
  9. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    She (I call her a she, but I’m not at all certain on that yet ) Is the most divine little thing, I have completely fallen in love with her! I never thought of owning a goose but I was given her to care for after someone found her being attacked by magpies. She was looking a lot worse for wear in...
  10. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    Thank you all for taking the time to reply I’d been stressing so much about her. She improved considerably after 2 days on the oxymav, and after another dose on day 3 she’s now back to her normal self again!
  11. angela27

    Gosling with breathing difficulties

    I have a little gosling who has developed some difficulty breathing. She often makes a whistling sound as she breathes, and you can see the skin pulling in just below her neck every time she inhaled. She is breathing quite fast, open beaked. At times she’ll give her head a bit of a shake and...
  12. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    I have a little gosling who has developed some difficulty breathing. She often makes a whistling sound as she breathes, and you can see the skin pulling in just below her neck every time she inhaled. She is breathing quite fast, open beaked. At times she’ll give her head a bit of a shake and...
  13. angela27

    Sleeping chickens outdoors

    I had to change the sleeping arrangements around 4-5 months ago. Most of the chickens worked it out within the first few nights, but these few just wouldn’t sleep there. I do have a couple of chickens that aren’t mine, that would come and sleep in my trees at night, maybe they were influenced by...
  14. angela27

    Sleeping chickens outdoors

    Does anyone here allow their chickens to sleep outside in the open? I used to be pretty fussy about mine, but I have a few stubborn chooks that won’t sleep where I want them to sleep. One insists on being in a tree, and it’s too hard to get her down once she’s up. So I’ve started leaving the...
  15. angela27

    Mites... Help!!!

    Is Permethrin safe to use on the ground if the chickens are gonna be scratching and pecking in it? I’ve got 3 chicks, less then a week old, and their mumma in a run together and the mites are in the soil I can’t move the run elsewhere and I need to have the wee ones contained cause I have stray...
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