Recent content by AngryHummingbird

  1. AngryHummingbird

    Human way to cull

    In my experience the 'cleanest' way to cull, without a vet, is dry ice. (Carbon Dioxide) Place chicken in a big old tupperware bin, poke holes in the lid of a smaller box and put the dry ice in that, then put the small box in with the hen. Place large lid on, but not airtight. In my experience...
  2. AngryHummingbird

    I Hate Rats!

    Rats are terrible to deal with, especially if they've had the time to make themselves at home. It's a strange suggestion, but have you thought about getting some guinea fowl? They're pretty good at evicting small to medium sized nuisances. Mostly because they're medium sized nuisances...
  3. AngryHummingbird

    In Nest All Day

    Does she fluff up and get upset when you try and move her? If yes I would guess she's feeling broody. Even typically 'non broody' breeds can go broody, as my production red likes to prove...
  4. AngryHummingbird

    hyperextended leg

    For a broken or sprained/strained leg, I would try to find a way to splint the leg so that she can comfortably lie down without stressing her hip. I would think either of those injuries would need at least a few weeks to heal. With the leg splinted she -might- be alright with a bit of movement...
  5. AngryHummingbird

    Rooster Went Nuts...Brutally Attacked Hen (MORE PHOTOS ADDED)

    Jeeze, must be something in the air. We just lost one hen to one of our roosters, caught him in the act before he could do much damage to the second though. Fingers crossed for your girls speedy recovery!
  6. AngryHummingbird

    hyperextended leg

    If your girl is lonely, I would bring the gentlest hen you have to her, as opposed to putting her out with the rest. Keeping her still will give her a chance to heal, and will help most injuries even if you haven't figured out what happened to her leg. I would hazard a yes, a chicken could...
  7. AngryHummingbird

    hyperextended leg

    Warning: Not the most optimistic post! We had a pullet with a severe leg injury from day one. I don't think it's the same injury, we suspect our girl got fallen on or roughed up during transit. Essentially she liked to keep her leg bent backwards at the hock. Had full range of motion, no pain...
  8. AngryHummingbird

    Rooster or something else?

    Lost another today. Stepped out for lunch with a neighbor, when I got back one of the smaller hens was dead with similar injuries. Skin missing from back of the skull to upper back. I'm pretty sure her neck was broken. I'm really beginning to suspect the roo's again. Either that or the turkeys...
  9. AngryHummingbird

    Rooster or something else?

    Quote: Knowing chickens, she probably could hve pulled though with some intensive care. Her quality of life was just so low before the attack it seemed kinder to let her go. She had one leg that was pretty much useless. She could get around, but it was tough on her and probably painful. Also...
  10. AngryHummingbird

    Rooster or something else?

    For about a month or two we had been letting our 'gimpy' chicken out with the rest of the flock. Everyone free ranges during the day, so there was definitly enough room that she didn't get picked on. No previous wounds or missing feathers. Today however, when I went to lock up for the night, I...
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