Recent content by animalyodelers

  1. animalyodelers

    Keeping Chickens When You Have Arthritis.

    Yep, one of those things you don't understand unless you experience it.
  2. animalyodelers

    Looking for layers of pink eggs

    The only way to do this for sure is to purchase a laying hen. A lot of breeds can lay a pinkish brown egg, but there's no way to know the exact shade until they lay. Or you can purchase several of a couple breeds that are known to have pinkish tinted eggs and hope for the best! :)
  3. animalyodelers

    Keeping Chickens When You Have Arthritis.

    Hi everyone, just found this thread and hope it's OK if I join? I admit I did not read all the posts. I will definitely try to do so as I am interested in hearing all of your tips and ideas! I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis last year, at which point I could barely shower on my own...
  4. animalyodelers

    Coop opinions?

    Just agreeing what some others have already said. This is WAY too small for 5-6 hens and likely pretty tight for 3. Yes, you can fit them in there, and yes, lots of chickens do OK in worse situations. You just have to decide if you want to take the risk. In addition to behavioral issues...
  5. animalyodelers

    Why I’ll Never Free-Range My Chickens Again

    :yuckyuck Yes, and this person also likes to post very opinionated things in a confrontational manner to cause drama. :rolleyes:
  6. animalyodelers

    Why I’ll Never Free-Range My Chickens Again

    Oops, not over. If you free range, that's awesome. Not judging on that. Just saying I can't afford to let my chickens die every day, which they would here. I don't let my dogs run around the neighborhood either. Two legged predators would also happily take either the dogs or the chickens.
  7. animalyodelers

    Why I’ll Never Free-Range My Chickens Again

    I'd love to let the animals I've spent hundreds of dollars on, who provide me with a source of nutrition when I'm broke before payday (eggs) out at their own choosing all day. Here in Suburban America, my neighbors cats, the hawks, eagles, coyotes, and o'possums would love me. Maybe I should...
  8. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    And now, the ugly brooder! Lol. Actually aside.from the reused plywood being kinda ugly, it's not too bad. I'm pretty proud of it! And the chicks seem to love it.
  9. animalyodelers

    What's your opinion on mixing different ages of chicks?

    I'm interested in hearing others experiences as well. Last week we purchased 6 chicks- four were 2-3 days old and 2 were 2 weeks old. I was prepared to have 2 brooders if necessary, but we started them together. We have been watching them closely and have had zero problems. They have a large...
  10. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    Lucky you! Looks like a little chicken village!
  11. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    Just sharing this because I am so glad to be done with this part of the coop! 3 nesting boxes with doors for easy access. I showed some pics before but I made it better. It still needs the steel roof but that's it! All scrap wood again. In the spring it will be Ugly Coop Part III, we...
  12. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    As long as it works! Looks don't matter. :)
  13. animalyodelers

    Show me UGLY coops- where my peeps at?

    It looks like they love it!! How did you attach the branches? I have lots of branches and my birds prefer them to the 2x2 roost I have, but I can't find a good way to securely attach them! It's been driving me nuts.
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