Recent content by AnnGlor

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    Topic of the Week - When eggs go wrong

    How does this occur?
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    Hi guys...

    Thank you guys for your warm welcome.
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    Self-cleaning Duck Pond?

    We have a chemical free swimming pool at our home. Our dog likes to play in water so we asked our swimming pool maintenance service providers to create a pool that can be used by our pets without any worry. I have heard dogs drink the swimming pool water while they swim so we were concerned...
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    Will a hawk eat my hens??

    Hawks killed my 2 chicks.
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    Hi guys...

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? No. I have few chickens at home. We bought 5 but last 2 survived. So for this time, we think to buy hen rather than chicks. (2) How many chickens do you have right now? Now we have only 2 hens. (3) What breeds do you have? Chantecler...
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