Recent content by anwhite

  1. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    Check out pages 20 and 21 of this thread. There is some great dosage amounts and time lines given. Good luck!
  2. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    From all of my research about worms, I have learned that you usually need two doses, about a week apart, per worming in order to break the life cycle of the worms. As for how they stay worm free, I don't know that they do. If they are free-range, they are constantly picking up new worm eggs...
  3. anwhite

    Ok to wait out a Broody hen?

    Thank you for the advice! I had put a cold egg under her last night, (before I saw these replies, and desperate to do something) and as of this morning, she had rolled it out of the nest and was walking around the chicken yard. So, I'm crossing my fingers she has returned to normal. If not...
  4. anwhite

    Ok to wait out a Broody hen?

    We had a hen go broody this afternoon. We don't have a rooster, so eggs are unfertilized. The last few days, we have been able to get her out of the nest, and she would go about her day acting like a normal chicken, but today was different. She made a beeline straight back to the nest after we...
  5. anwhite

    Ok to wait out a Broody hen?

    We had a hen go broody this afternoon. We don't have a rooster, so eggs are unfertilized. The last few days, we have been able to get her out of the nest, and she would go about her day acting like a normal chicken, but today was different. She made a beeline straight back to the nest after we...
  6. anwhite

    dog got chicken

    Thank you so much for the reassurance, and for sharing the idea about a shock collar!
  7. anwhite

    dog got chicken

    Hi all! My dog got one of my chickens this afternoon. In all fairness, the chicken flew over BOTH gates that we have, letting herself into the main backyard. She has no cuts or wounds that I can find. She was pretty tramatized, but after getting some water in her and feeding her a peach, she...
  8. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    That's a great article. I was worried about getting it "down the wrong pipe", so it was very helpful. I know it's best if I give them each their correct dose individually, but for my own sanity, and the sake of my chickens, who at the moment don't trust me, is it possible to mix the total...
  9. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    Thanks! In my stress about the situation I spaced it that Valbazen is only one day. I will print this out and put it with my chicken notes. I am very grateful for you sharing your knowledge! My eight birds are so skiddish and the last three days haven't gone well with worming. I've tried bread...
  10. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    Am I correct in understanding that next time, it will just be 5 days Valbazen, then time after that 5 days safeguard, etc., rotating every few months, (not saying do one, followed immediately by the other - I mean 6 months inbetween) and with doing 5 days, I don't ever have to re-dose 2 weeks...
  11. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    Thanks so much - BYC and the member on it are wonderful! Thank you, thank you!!!
  12. anwhite

    Top Ten Worming and Wormer Misinformations - Graphic Pictures!

    Awesome thread! I just read through all 19 pages, and wanted to make sure I'm understanding what I need to do correctly. 2 weeks ago, I found a round worm in one of my 4month old chickens poop, so I did Wazine in their water for a whole day, and today (14 days later) I started treating each...
  13. anwhite

    Worming for first time - please double check my plan!

    Thanks! This sounds like it will be interesting to attempt. I do think it will be easier than trying to catch each one and squirt the meds in their mouths, but I might change my mind about that assumption!
  14. anwhite

    Worming for first time - please double check my plan!

    Thank you both so much! I am so glad I asked, especially about the safeguard. Since it should not be put in water, and my chickens are pretty skidish, can I go the bread route that I have read about where I put the 1/2 cc in a small piece of bread and each gets one? Is there a good way to make...
  15. anwhite

    Help! Foamy yellow diarrhea

    I'm so sorry! I'm new to keeping chickens, but one of my chickens has had similar poop and today she had a round worm in her poop. So it might be worms, but I really don't know. :( Search this forum for poop chart and maybe try The Chicken Chick website. This forum and her site have been...
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