Recent content by Appalachickens

  1. Appalachickens

    Acres of Poison Ivy

    I am wildly sensitive to the urushiol in poison ivy. And it seems to circumvent any method I have of protecting myself. It just finds a way to jump on me. We have a similar situation with acres of heavily wooded land and loads of poison ivy (and Virginia Creeper and so on). I have already gotten...
  2. Appalachickens

    Chicken strollers.

    Hard to imagine the chickens actually like this activity!
  3. Appalachickens

    Chicken strollers.

    I don't know if links will post, but I saw this and thought it was funny: Chicken strollers
  4. Appalachickens

    Is this feasible?

    I agree. We put in a mini orchard already on a bit of the land that won't be affected by building- fruit trees (apples, plums, apricots, figs, pawpaws and persimmons), berry bushes (blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, and boysenberries), and vines (grape and maypops). I wanted to given...
  5. Appalachickens

    Is this feasible?

    That’s great. We bought some rural land last year and plan to build in a year and put chickens in then. In the meantime I am doing what you seem to be doing - thinking through various coop/run options.
  6. Appalachickens

    Is this feasible?

    I take it you have plans to move to a more rural area?
  7. Appalachickens

    Thank you, she was a wonderful cat.

    Thank you, she was a wonderful cat.
  8. Appalachickens

    should i let my chickens die naturally?

    I did a pescatarian diet for about 20 years while I was practicing Buddhism. But my son is a hunter and it forced me to think a lot about my reasons for that. Growing up on a small farm, I had to help butcher cows and I always felt like they at least got a good life before they became meat. Same...
  9. Appalachickens

    Ramp Overkill

    Looks great, though.
  10. Appalachickens

    Things you wish you could say

    It happens to me (a psychologist) all the time. I try to stay gracious about it. The world is a tough enough place without me getting ugly with people who are just looking for help.
  11. Appalachickens

    Comment by 'Appalachickens' in article 'Setting up a Chick Brooder 🐥'

    Wow. Well, I am grateful for the information, typos and all!
  12. Appalachickens

    Helpful hints for building coops

    I’m enjoying this thread and how it’s merged into folks’ daily lives. I got my second COVID vaccine a couple of weeks ago and am eagerly looking forward to getting to visit my older son who I’ve not seen in a year because of this bloody pandemic. Saw my oncologist today and don’t have to go back...
  13. Appalachickens

    Automatic Doors: What Would YOU Do?

    Makes sense. We’re surrounded by a ridge so,it doesn’t get very windy where the chickens will be.
  14. Appalachickens

    Roll away boxes using paint trays

    Where do you find ceramic eggs with flat sides? I want to do rollaway boxes and have wondered about that.
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