Recent content by arohli

  1. arohli

    Gave 2 chicks to our broody died...can I replace it with a new one?

    OK...DH is on his way home with 2 new chicks. A Welsummer, and a Giant Cochin. Keeping fingers crossed that "momma" will accept them! I'm nervous.
  2. arohli

    Gave 2 chicks to our broody died...can I replace it with a new one?

    Thank you! I'll be having hubby swing by the feed store for a new chick on his way home from work. Wish us luck!
  3. arohli

    Gave 2 chicks to our broody died...can I replace it with a new one?

    Ours had been broody for maybe 17 days when we gave her chicks. She went straight into mommy mode when she heard the peeps coming from beneath her (we snuck the chicks under, and snuck out the eggs she was sitting on). I think as long as she has been sitting on eggs for more than a few days...
  4. arohli

    Gave 2 chicks to our broody died...can I replace it with a new one?

    Our Buff Orpington is constantly going broody, so we decided to get her a couple of day old chicks to mother. She took to them right away, and is so happy with her new duties. But, this morning I found one of the chicks dead in the coop. I don't know whether I can replace the lost chick, or will...
  5. arohli


    Ogress...I'm in North Bend, too! I'm up in Wilderness Rim, where we're not *supposed* to have chickens, according to the covenants. A few of us have them anyway. Nice to see someone else from our awesome little spot in the PNW! ~Amy~
  6. arohli

    SEEKING: Someone in WA who can build me a coop?

    I found this coop on's in Ellensburg, but they'll deliver. It's not a tractor style, though... We live in North Bend, WA and can't construct anything either. We ended up buying a pre-built coop online....but it cost a lot more...
  7. arohli

    Doing the HaPpY DaNcE!!! I found some more Buff's!

    Out of our 6 different breeds of chickens...the BO is by far the sweetest one. She'll calmly sit in my lap for over an hour, and usually falls asleep while I pet her. I love her to pieces, and wish I had gotten another BO. I'm one past my limit of 6 chickens, so I'll have to wait until later to...
  8. arohli

    Gotta have treats!

    Our 6 week old chicks get a small plate of cut up red grapes every night before bedtime. They go absolutey bonkers for's quite the feeding frenzy, but I make sure everyone gets some. Treats are so much fun!
  9. arohli

    My chicks LIVE!!!

    PS...are you in Bellevue, WA? I'm in North Bend...not too far from you!
  10. arohli

    My chicks LIVE!!!

    Cool! I'd love to learn how to do that!
  11. arohli

    Red heat lamp

    At 4 weeks, they should be kept around 75 if your weather is that warm, you don't need the heat lamp. The chicks will definitely let you know if they're too cold...lots of complaining!
  12. arohli disappointed!!!!

    Dawg16: I am in TOTAL agreement with your disappointment and anger over your order from My Amish Goods! I ordered a coop from them back in February. I was told it would take about 5 weeks to arrive at my house from the date of my order. It actually ended up taking eight weeks. 3 weeks is a lot...
  13. arohli

    The disneyland coup/run is nearing completion

    What a gorgeous coop! *Jealous* Your chicks are going to be spoiled rotten...and that's a good thing!
  14. arohli

    Sneezing chicks...runny beaks. What can I do to help?

    Hi everyone...I'm a newbie. My chicks are 4 1/2 weeks old. I noticed today, a couple of them are sneezing a little bit and their beaks are runny. Is there anything I can give them to make them better? And, I also would love to prevent my other 5 chicks from getting sick. Other than the...
  15. arohli

    My babies aren't babies anymore..How about yours? **PICS**

    Thanks so much for posting all your pictures! My chicks are only 2 weeks old, and have already changed so much. It's really fun to see what they'll look like in another 3 or 4 weeks! Amazing how fast they grow!
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