Recent content by Ash8207

  1. Ash8207

    Dog attacked chicks and keets

    We just put our 3 barred rock chicks and 2 keets outside. Within 3 hours a dog dug under their run and got all of them.1 keet is missing, assumed dead by feather pile. The other keet is missing all feathers on her back. Out of the 3 barred rocks 2 survived. I have not fully inspected them, they...
  2. Ash8207

    What is this Roo!?!

    Curious to what type of Roo this is. We acquired him from a neighboring Cities Animal Control. He was terrorizing the city with a hen and was finally caught!! We got him and athe black little hen. Sorry I cannot seem to catch a pic of her, she is fast and does not like us!!! He is the...
  3. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    UPDATE @ 7:pm--- Chick did not make it :( It hatched this morning, but the hen tried to kill it. I caught it too late :( I moved the little guy to a tub with a heat lamp (all I had). Its breathing but not active. Not sure its chances of surviving now. It happened so quickly, at 6am hatched...
  4. Ash8207

    Hatchling pushed from nest by hen

    UPDATE: Chick did not make it This our first time with hatchlings. Never had a hen go broody on us before!!! This little guy was a late hatch, 5-6 days after everyone else. This morning he was chirping and active. Checked on him an hour later and he was pushed out of the nest, i thought it was...
  5. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    Lol no, 1 Roo is enough! The one egg that is left she has stopped sitting on it. It did feel movement when I checked on it a couple hours ago with one little mark on the shell. Should I leave it? Help it?
  6. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    Thanks scmcdermott! I am using a dog crate that has a dog pen attached to it. The chick that just hatched made it! The chick that was trying to hatch did not :( she has one more egg in her "nest" It has a tiny spot where it appears a chick is starting to come through, I felt movement inside the...
  7. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    Thanks, yes I plan on just letting her be for now. She growls at us every time we come near. I cannot see what is happening underneath her but most of the little ones keep popping out from under her to check things out! They are so cute. We are still amazed by all of this! Had chickens for 2...
  8. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    Sourland, we did not want to disturber her and had no idea what we were going to find. But her spot was not a safe one, especially with a fox sighting the day before. We have lost too many hens to foxes. Thanks!
  9. Ash8207

    Found a broody hen with chicks and eggs

    One of our hens went missing a few weeks ago. She was found today by our neighbor, sitting on eggs with baby chicks. Her nesting area was out in the open and a fox had been seen the day before so we know we had to move her and the eggs. We got a crate, with a soft bottom and placed hay for a new...
  10. Ash8207

    Need Help! Possible Cockerel already mounting???

    Ha! Thanks! I figured but wanted to make sure. I am trying to spend as much time with my possible cockerels. I have had bad experiences with over aggressive Roos. I've been attacked in the past, blood drawn. And my hens have been torn up from mounting. Any signs of over aggression and he has to...
  11. Ash8207

    Need Help! Possible Cockerel already mounting???

    Hey everyone! I need some help. I have 8 chicks, about 4 weeks old. 4 RIR and 4 Easter Eggers. I think so far I have 2-3 cockerels in the mix. This morning I woke up to horrible sounds coming from the room that I am keeping them in. The most friendly chick (to me), that I suspect is a RIR...
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