Recent content by ashenapple

  1. ashenapple

    Quick question, Rooster schedule

    I'm not worried about the size of the coop/mini run that's connected to it for short term stuff - they normally are let out into a covered bird-flu run that's like 20x25 feet. Its more that he's been frisky and the hens have been putting him in his place with all that space but I'm not sure...
  2. ashenapple

    Quick question, Rooster schedule

    Well they are kind of huge chickens and while they generally LOOVE sleeping all cuddled up, I'm not sure if cooping them up when he's used to being out at sunrise is a good idea - but again I have no clue. He's also getting a little more frisky so I guess I would also be watching out for if the...
  3. ashenapple

    Quick question, Rooster schedule

    I looked around and searched but I'm not sure if I've seen this question yet, apologies if its already been answered somewhere. My small flock of 5 are about 19 weeks old now. They're my first flock on my own so some things are still new to me - they are Lavender Orps so I'm not expecting them...
  4. ashenapple

    my rooster sounds like a vuvuzela horn

    I'm not really worried, we get a real kick out of it and as long as it's healthy my family hopes he remains a total goober. He's 11wks old so still pretty young, but he's been crowing since about 8wks and it's yet to change. *shrug* if anybody knows any reason I should worry though, please let...
  5. ashenapple

    Question about huddling

    aha, they were very loud in the car! as soon as we got them in the brooder they stopped yelling and just quietly peep at each other.
  6. ashenapple

    Question about huddling

    Thank you, and the rest of you as well! This is very good to know the difference!
  7. ashenapple

    Question about huddling

    We just picked them up today, I believe they are no more than 2 days old.
  8. ashenapple

    Question about huddling

    First, I apologize if this question is asked a lot. I've searched the forums for awhile now and couldn't find my exact question/situation but I easily could have missed it. So, my family and I are not new to chickens but are extremely new to raising them from chicks. We just got 6 chicks and...
  9. ashenapple


    Hello, I'm Ash! My parents and I recently moved back to the country but in a completely different state and are setting up our hobby farm. We've had chickens before but never raised the chicks ourselves and we just got 6 lavender orpington chicks (1 we hope is a roo!) I've used this forum to...
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