Recent content by asteele01

  1. asteele01

    Can anyone help me determine sex of my Chickens?

    Hello! I am new to chickens and was wondering if anyone could help me decide if I have hens or roosters. I believe they are over 4 weeks old currently. We were told they were Ameraucanas, but they came from a feed store, so they were probably Easter Eggers. The darker colored ones name is Hay...
  2. asteele01

    Sexing Easter Eggers

    Can someone help me determine if my chickens are hens or roosters? They are a little over 4 weeks old I believe. I am new to chickens (have only had ducks). So I am not sure how to tell if there are any signs to look for to determine male/female. I feel like I may have 1 hen and 1 rooster, but I...
  3. asteele01

    MALLARD THREAD...not rouens, Mallards! I have 3 mallard ducklings that are 5 weeks old. I was hoping...
  4. asteele01

    Mallard or Rouen Ducklings

    Update- they both ended up being mallards. One male and one female. Yay!
  5. asteele01

    Post your Duck names!

    Tilly- aylesbury/pekin mix female Nugget- female pekin Bert- pekin she ended up being a female but I refuse to call her Berta. Flower- male pekin (my daughter's baby) Lucky- female mallard. She almost died when we got her and nursed her back to health. Ducky- male mallard
  6. asteele01


    I seen it listed on the Ultimate List of Duck Treats Eggs- **** (Scrambled and diced up for ducklings over 2 weeks old) Cooked only. Scrambled (with no or very little oil, you can use a Pam spray) or hardboiled, chopped with shells on. The shells are a good source of calcium. You can cook...
  7. asteele01


    Scrambled eggs are their favorite though. Peas are a close second.
  8. asteele01


    I just buy frozen peas and thaw them. They LOVE them
  9. asteele01


    I hand feed mine peas and they go crazy. I need to get a video sometime. It is so funny.
  10. asteele01

    Pekin duck....treats??

    Mine love eating peas, corn and meal worms out of my hand. They love a few things in water- strawberries, blueberries, tomatoes, cat food. They don't seem to be a fan of eating those out of my hands, but go crazy when I put it in water. Oh and their favorite- scrambled eggs!!!
  11. asteele01

    Holderreads Ducklings!

    Thanks for the info. I am a little disappointed with how the welsh harlequins do not seem to be as calm as they claim they are. Everyone I have talked to say they are not that calm and friendly. I have 4 pekins and 2 mallards. Out of the 6 ducks we only have 1 duck (the 1 male pekin) that is...
  12. asteele01

    Holderreads Ducklings!

    So in your opinion are the appleyard friendlier and calmer than the WH ducks? I really want WH ducks because of their calm temperament but keep having people tell me they are not as calm as they are supposed to be.
  13. asteele01

    Combined my two little "flocks"

    Adorable ducks! I am considering adding a runner to my flock. Are your runners real skittish or do they allow you to touch them?
  14. asteele01

    Welsh Harlequin Ducks - Quiet? HA

    I think I decided to order from Metzer. I like the fact that you can order females and not just straight run. I would like to order from Holderread but then I am not guaranteed females. I could try to sex them myself and then sell the others. I will probably wait until next spring to order them...
  15. asteele01

    Pekin Duck Club!

    I thought I would share some pictures of my daughter's duck- Flower. We have 4 pekins- 1 male and 3 females. Our male (Flower) is so sweet. Our Females want me outside with them, but only come over to me if I have treats or if they think I have something for them. At least we got 1 nice duck.
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