Recent content by August83

  1. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    I thank you for your input! This is not a small investment and I want to make sure that if I'm spending this kind of money on something, I'm going to get the value and space I need from it. I live in South East Tennessee. Our winters are on the milder side of things with days dropping below...
  2. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    The current "run" needs a lot of love. It was a pole barn style carport to begin with but, the roof had mostly rotted off by the time I moved in. (The roof was poorly done, flat plywood with no covering over it.) The framing is still strong and can be made stronger with new supporting beams...
  3. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    At present, I have 7. I'd need to get more hens. I'm aware that I can only get 5 more in this particular setup for a total of 12 birds. Which might be problematic with the roo situation. I've been considering the idea of converting the area I'm using as a separation run into a coop / run. The...
  4. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    Thank you all for the helpful advice! I'll try and get some pictures of the boys for you to look at. In the meantime, I just got the green light to order a new coop! It will be the one pictured in the link with a couple of upgrades. A 6 foot run extension and the HDPE interior flooring. I also...
  5. August83


    Thank you all for the warm welcomes and the advice! Callender Girl, I didn't even think about looking on Craig's List! I appreciate the advice. I'll certainly be looking into that as an option in getting a better sized coop! The one I've been eyeballing would run me about $4,200 with shipping...
  6. August83

    Review by 'August83' in article 'le palais de poulet (the Chicken Palace)'

    This coop is awesome! Thank you for the plans!
  7. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    I plan to get a much larger coop with a good sized run and more hens in the future. The hens will have to wait for the new coop. I have 20'x40' fenced area that serves as the run for whichever roo is staying in at present. I have reservations about rehoming the boys because myself and my...
  8. August83


    Thank you, Yorkshire Coop! Thank you, Flappy Feathers! My brahma gals are about 6 months old now and have been intergrated into the main flock! Apologies for the older pictures. It's been a while since I've done a photo shoot! I do plan on getting more hens as soon as I get the new coop. They do...
  9. August83


    Thank you, DobieLover! While I'd love to be able to build my own awesome coop, I lack the tools and know how to really feel confident building something as large and sturdy as I'd like for my chickens. I'm considering buying one. Right now, I have my eye on Carolina Coops. They seem well built...
  10. August83

    Roosters shearing off their own tail feathers.

    In my present situation, I have my two boys separated as they fight pretty intensely to the point of drawing blood. One has lost an eye so, I felt it best they be kept apart. Both are let out during the day. One in a run, the other free ranging. The hens are split between them so neither gets...
  11. August83


    Thank you for the warm welcomes! :)
  12. August83


    Hello. My name is August and I've had chickens for a few years now but, still consider myself a novice when it comes to chickens. My ownership of chickens was not intentional to start with. A few years ago, I brought my son to a birthday party and ended up coming home with a pair of young...
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