Recent content by aussieheelr

  1. aussieheelr

    Aussieheelrs Page

    Hello all from Lovely Montrose County Colorado! I've just re-started into the wonderful world of chickens and loving it even more now that I've grown up! I live on a little 3.5 acre ranch with my husband, blue heeler, border collie, 6 horses (2 of which are yearlings) and my chickens of coarse...
  2. aussieheelr

    Runner ducklings not growing

    you might try uping the protein.. I put mine on flock raiser/game starter and they grow like WEEDS. My duckling that hatched Easter is about 1/2 the size of my adults already. enjoy those babies, they grow up so fast
  3. aussieheelr

    Old Fashioned Broody Hen Hatch A Long and Informational Thread

    I have a broody BCM right now that I think has 11 eggs under her. She's in lock down now if I counted right. And I have 2 Hatchery RUNNER DUCKS that are broody on 7 duck eggs and 6 turkey eggs I placed under them. I've always heard that the runners are like the Leghorn of the duck world (Great...
  4. aussieheelr

    Is my duck getting ready to go broody?

    Quote: You mentioned that you had two share a nest.... well I now have a second runner that is sharing a nest with the first. There are plenty of eggs that they can share babies if the hatch Don't want to count the chicks or rather ducklings before they hatch. The runner that has just...
  5. aussieheelr

    Cuuuutest chicks/ ducklings - Ends 5/7/11

    Name of chick/duckling: Dafodil Age of chick/duckling: hatched April 22 (or last th 21st) this was the afternoon of the 22nd not even fully fluffed. Breed of chick/duckling: Fawn and White Runner Duck Picture:
  6. aussieheelr

    Guineas hatching! Advice?

    don't open the bator and share pictures when they're done!!!
  7. aussieheelr

    Is my duck getting ready to go broody?

    Yep broody runner duck. LOL go figure everyone says that the runners are not supose to go boody but there's always the exception to the rule.
  8. aussieheelr

    5 week old black copper marans and idea of gender??

    Quote: agree all the way. Marans roos are REALLY good at letting you know they're roos early on with red combs... all pullets there
  9. aussieheelr

    Murphys Law

    So I've been saving eggs from our flocks (turkey and chickens) to set today... but it just figures that when I went to collect eggs two days ago that one of the ducks lined a nest with feathers and starting yesterday was sitting on 7 eggs so I snuck 6 turkey eggs under her. I've been a bit...
  10. aussieheelr

    Putting My Ducks In A Row

    my cayuga is pretty quite. our runners are noisy buggers and flighty. From those two I would suggest the cayuga.
  11. aussieheelr

    giant cochin "pullets" from Welp, NEW PICS 5 WKS

    I was going to say you had two pullets but every one in the bottom pics (week 5) I'm sayin are roos so it looks like only the 1 pullet. bummer
  12. aussieheelr

    Barred Rock gender?

    Pullet... as she gets closer to laying her comb and waddles will develope and get redder too. They can start to lay as early as 16 weeks so she looks right on track.
  13. aussieheelr

    What breed?

    jungle fowl?
  14. aussieheelr

    What is this 8-week-old chick?

    Looks like a handsome EE roo I like that blueish color there
  15. aussieheelr

    can a chicken hatch ducks, why yes indeedy .......... !!!

    Got to say those RED eyes are creepy! but I love the broodies I wish I always had one broody
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