Recent content by AustrianRunners

  1. A

    New member, new-ish duck owner

    Well, I don't think I'm at the helping-people stage yet, still very much at the being-helped stage. But BYC has certainly been helpful during the first year of duck-keeping and I can't wait to pay it back some day :-) And yes, pictures, I'm a little lazy when it comes to getting out there in the...
  2. A

    New member, new-ish duck owner

    Hi guys, thank for the welcome. Yes, ducks sure are a little (OK, a LOT) messier than chickens but I love them all the same. For those who have said they find them interesting - I can only recommend them!
  3. A

    Can't edit signature and logging in

    Doh! OK, I feel a little embarrassed that I didn't even think of reading the FAQs... Thanks for taking the time to let me know. Hopefully your post will help others in the future who also don't read the FAQs!
  4. A

    Can't edit signature and logging in

    OK, I had the same question. So if it's a lock-out thing, does anyone know how many posts you have to make to 'unlock' the signature function? Thanks for any help! :-)
  5. A

    Help! Limping duck!

    I guess by this point you've probably sorted the issue already but I'll post in case this helps someone in the future. One of my ducks had a limp (and like yours, not bumblefoot) that got so bad she couldn't walk. I really feared the worst but it turned out to be just a sprain that was easily...
  6. A

    New member, new-ish duck owner

    Hi guys! I'm a new member of BYC, though I've been trawling your forums for information ever since I decided to get Indian Runner ducks. Well we've had them for a year or so now, and one day I hope to provide information to duck newbies in the same way as other here have helped me! I look...
  7. A

    The Duck Thread

    Hi guys! This is my first post in BYC. I have two Indian Runner ducks and have already ended up at BYC a few times after googling some questions. I hope I can be of use to new duck owners some day too :-) Look forward to chatting and forum-ing with you all!
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