Recent content by auzzvacha

  1. auzzvacha

    2.5 week old mallard with twitching wings

    @EverythingDucks thank you for your reply and suggestion! So I have attached a video, this twitching has not really stopped all day but she is continuing to eat and drink and poop as normal, however, she does seem a bit on the lethargic side.
  2. auzzvacha

    2.5 week old mallard with twitching wings

    Hi, I have a 2.5 week old mallard duckling. She is a rescue so is with me all the time but we try to spend a couple hours a day outside with the other ducks so she can integrate back into being a duck as she grows. Because this is my first duckling I’m not sure if her actions are normal. Her...
  3. auzzvacha

    duckling assisted hatch advice UPDATE: she is happily hatched and seems healthy!

    Thank you for the feedback! I was so nervous to make the wrong decision! But it seems the risk is higher to act then to wait, so I waited :) woke up every 2 hours to check on her/him and at 5:30 (so about 40 hours after I externally piped for it) it had torn away some of the membrane and had...
  4. auzzvacha

    duckling assisted hatch advice UPDATE: she is happily hatched and seems healthy!

    Hi I have a mallard duck egg that internally pipped on match 2nd (3 days ago) I started the incubation on February 2nd (so it was on day 24). I was worried because the air sac was smaller then normal, I think from too high of humidity during the whole incubation, between 55-65, other then the...
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