Recent content by aznewmom

  1. aznewmom

    New to quail.......Abandoned babies today!

    Thank you for the help and info. I will have my daughter stop at the store to get some.
  2. aznewmom

    New to quail.......Abandoned babies today!

    Hi all. Does anyone here have info or pointers about baby quail? Perhaps point me in the right direction for info on feeding, etc.? Sadly, we had a mama quail get scared off of her newly hatched babies this morning. We think about 1/2 went with her, but the others got scattered, stuck in...
  3. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen......... This is what I found. I just cannot afford to do it. Had I still had the cooler, it would have been easy to take here there, at least, since we live in the same city. The price is what had me. I thought that since it was associated with the...
  4. aznewmom

    Looking for opinions on cause of death of 10 month old hen.

    This DOES sound very much like what I just went through. Sad if it was Mareck's. How long does this disease take to incubate? I have not had any new gals in my flock in about 6 months now. They have all been fine up until yesterday. So sorry to hear about Nancy. {{{{hugs}}}} Always...
  5. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    THANK YOU everyone. Yeah, I'm sad. More so today. She was one of my gals, after all..........even though she just and three other girls only joined our flock about two months before I broke my leg. These 4 weren't even named yet. I kind of feel bad about THAT too. I have been completely...
  6. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    Oh and I DID check up her vent. Did NOT feel an egg or anything else. Did not see any worms. She did have SUPER foul, smelly, brown liquid come out though. Anyone know what might cause this? I'm thinking she had some sort of internal infection that I just did NOT catch in time. Trying not...
  7. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    Well........... I'm sad to say that she didn't make it. My husband went out to get me some gloves since we had run out, so I could manually check her vent. She gave up even pecking at food and wasn't drinking any water she was offered. So, I had my DH then take me to the pet store. I read...
  8. aznewmom

    How to t feed a sick chicken and give subcutaneous fluid

    Great post! Thanks so much for all of the information, everyone! I hope I can do this.
  9. aznewmom

    My Crop Tube Feeding Journey With My Bird (Pics For Visuals- VERY detailed Post)

    Great write up! Thanks so much. I may have to do this today. Have a sick gal and she's refusing everything. I posted about her in another link/thread in this disease topic area, if anyone is interested in trying to help out. I just wanted to thank you for writing this all up so well. Fingers...
  10. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    Thanks! I will try this. Off to check on her again. Perhaps I need to attempt to check up IN her vent. DH just brought me home a book so maybe there are some tips on how to do that w/o hurting her. Wish me luck!
  11. aznewmom

    Please help: Young hen lethargic, strange poo, crop full this morning

    Good news, Foxy! I'm glad she is acting better. My DH is coming home with a book on chicken diseases for me. He called from the feed store all excited about it. LOL Then he told ME that I could now do a necropsy. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, not sure how I feel about THAT, and the poor girl isn't dead...
  12. aznewmom

    Please help: Young hen lethargic, strange poo, crop full this morning

    Sorry to hear of your loss, Okmarge. These mysteries are always tough.
  13. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    Thanks, E. Yeah, I guess I may have to try that. I'm not sure how to go about it though. I need to get her some water. I wonder if she will even take THAT.
  14. aznewmom

    Lethargic, dull comb, smelly vent, 'wobbly' hen.........

    Wow! Blue green?!?! That sounds weird. Mine is not eating anything now. Just sitting down in the carrier. She is super thin...........I went back and got her out, felt her all over and just bony. :( Since I've been outta commission, I just am out of touch with when and how much they are...
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