Recent content by b-crow

  1. b-crow

    Marans egg color variations and laying concerns

    I got my first French Black Copper Maran a couple months ago. I quarantined her before I put her in the regular coop/run. She started laying dark, milk chocolate colored eggs in the quarantine run. Then she stopped laying for a while. She had a wet cough and didn't eat as well. When she...
  2. b-crow

    long time lurker first time poster

    I live in Southwest Missouri. I have spent a lot of time studying the learning center...before I got chickens...since I got chickens...yesterday...
  3. b-crow

    What are these spots in this egg?

    This chicken consistently lays more eggs than the others. However, they are always thin shells with sandpaper texture. Then the yolk of every egg has these spots. They are soft, but they have a more firm texture than the rest of the egg. I have searched this site and others to try to find...
  4. b-crow

    long time lurker first time poster

    This site has been a lot of help to my wife and I in our first year of raising chickens. I am starting to have active questions, so I elected to join you...
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