Recent content by bantiemomma7

  1. bantiemomma7

    What breed is this bantam rooster?

    I’m not completely sure where he’s from. My uncle bought like 10 chicks from someone local that breeds and they just threw this little guy in. My uncle didn’t want any bantam breeds to gave him too me.
  2. bantiemomma7

    What breed is this bantam rooster?

    What breed is this full grown bantam rooster? I thought OEGB but the leg color threw me off cause my OEGB hen has different colored legs and feet. He’s very sweet and docile. Doesn’t crow too much and when he does it’s pretty quiet. I included a picture of him next to my OEGB hen for size reference.
  3. bantiemomma7

    What breed is this bantam??

    Somebody gave me this chicken in exchange for an EE that I gave them. They said they don’t know how old it is but it’s almost full grown. And they also don’t know the breed or gender! It’s pretty small. About the same size as my Old English Game Bantam. Any guesses as to how old, gender, and...
  4. bantiemomma7

    What sex is my EE?

    I had raised 4 unsexed EE. They’re 12 weeks old now. 3 out of the 4 have crowed. This is the only one that hasn’t. It doesn’t act like a cockerel but it’s comb is kinda big. It’s my first time with EE though so I’m not sure. Would you guess Pullet or Cockerel?? Sorry the pictures aren’t too...
  5. bantiemomma7

    What should I name my Easter Eggers???

    Thank you! I like "Poppy"
  6. bantiemomma7

    What should I name my Easter Eggers???

    I am very particular about what names I name any animal..I like different and sometimes funny. Right now I have a white Old English Game Bantam named "Lu" (short for Little Ugly), a white silkie named "JJ", and a black silkie named "Black Betty" (after the song). JJ is raising 4 easter egger...
  7. bantiemomma7

    What gender is my old English game bantam?

    Do you know what age to expect her to start laying?
  8. bantiemomma7

    What gender is my old English game bantam?

    Oh no that's terrible!! I'm sorry to hear that :(
  9. bantiemomma7

    What gender is my old English game bantam?

    Ok, thank you..I thought so but I wanted to make sure because it was only in the past couple weeks that her comb got so red and grew that much.
  10. bantiemomma7

    What gender is my old English game bantam?

    This is Lou my little crooked toe Old English Game Bantam. He/She is 15 weeks old. I have no idea how to tell the sex of this breed as this is the first I’ve had. I have no idea what the gender is and I don’t know much about the breed. If you have any info about the breed or gender please let me...
  11. bantiemomma7

    BYC Comb Contest - 2019 - Walnut

    Bearded Silkie 11 Weeks Old Female “JJ”
  12. bantiemomma7

    What Sex is my 10 week old Silkie???

    My silkie, JJ, is now 10 weeks old. I know already one of my silkies is a rooster so I really hope JJ is not. Please help me. I keep going back and forth. JJ is really sweet and let’s me hold him/her. But she’s also grown to be bigger than almost all the other silkies but the confirmed rooster.
  13. bantiemomma7

    What Sex is my silkie

    I have 4 silkies. They’re all around 7 weeks old. I know they’re suppose to be hard to sex but hoping maybe someone has an idea. I know it’s hard to see in these pictures. The white one (JJ) is bigger than the rest but very sweet. He/she lets me hold and pet them! The black one (Black Betty) is...
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