Recent content by barbara26

  1. barbara26

    Chickens ate an egg

    One of my Altsteirer hens started laying two days ago. Yesterday I went to look for an egg and saw that they were eating an eggshell. The eggshell was very thin. I took it from them, but then I saw that the egg yolk and the egg white were in the corner and the rooster and one of the pullets were...
  2. barbara26


    I have another question, when will my rooster start to crow?
  3. barbara26

    Help! Rooster isn't getting along with my chickens

    I think the hen house was too small for them to be inside all day and night. We have now finished the fence and let them out of the hen house. They are getting along pretty well now. Thanks for your answers. And I don't think that they have any diseases. 6 pullets I bought were vaccinate against...
  4. barbara26

    Help! Rooster isn't getting along with my chickens

    I would separate them but I don't have place to do that. I hate that rooster. He is so mean to them! If he doesn't get better he will became food for foxes. (I'm kidding). I'll give him one week, if it doesn't get better, I don't know what will I do with him. I don't want to kill him..:(
  5. barbara26

    Help! Rooster isn't getting along with my chickens

    I got my first 6 pullets two days ago. Today I bring home two hens and a rooster. The rooster is young but doesn't like my original hens. He gets along with the two hens he came with, he chases the others. Is there anything I can do? They're scared and I don't know if I can help them.
  6. barbara26


    I just got 2 styrian (altsteirer) hens and rooster today! I think one of the hens should be laying already. I got them because they're Slovenian autochthonous chicken breed and I'm from Slovenia :D
  7. barbara26


    I think that I'll be checking them every hour and looking for an egg. HAHA
  8. barbara26


    Styrian chickens or altsteirer are here. Man who sold them said that one hen is older then the other hen and the rooster, so I think she should be laying eggs already. Here is a pic of them:
  9. barbara26


    I saw her eat and drink so I hope she will be okey. I'll post picture of styrian chickens tommorow. I hope the rooster won't be mean. Is anyone familiar with this breed? Are they good layers? I've read that they're eggs are ivory colour. Thank you it's actually my first year at college, but I...
  10. barbara26


    I hope that I will not be away for college when they start laying.. Is it bad that one hen has a cross beak? Tommorow I'm bringing home two more styrian hens and a styrian rooster. I hope they will be a bit older.
  11. barbara26


    I tried to pick one up and she didn't make chirping sound and I don't think they have any feather shoots. So I'll need to to wait a month or two for my first egg?
  12. barbara26


    Hello, I'm a new owner of chickens and I have a few questions. How old do you think my chickens are and when will they start laying eggs?
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