Recent content by Barry1963

  1. Barry1963

    Hens turning into ROOs ***Pic Added***

    Quote: wow really thats kinda of neat but why? im not sure why but it happens alot I have a black sex link that started crowing recently. Crows in the morning then goes and She's gender confused but we love her.
  2. Barry1963


    Quote: Well, in that case, I get the up close and personal award, killed mine with a club in the run
  3. Barry1963


    Just killed one this morning thats been getting in the run. I tried to "educate" them with my sons red ryder BB gun, but they just keep coming back. I patched all the holes that I thought they were getting through and the little $#@% tunneled under the coop. He's in the big nut tree in the sky...
  4. Barry1963

    Raising single chick in a brooder?

    When I decided to add a new one to the flock, I went with two. They just get so lonely on their own, much better to have two or more.
  5. Barry1963

    Personal advice needed on marriage and finances

    I havent read through every reply but i thought i'd add my opinion. With my wife and I we dont have a yours and mine system, its ours. If one of us wants something for themselves then we figure it out and git er done. when two people get married and become/start a family selfishness is the first...
  6. Barry1963

    Hen sitting on eggs, one hatched...what to do

    We used to just leave them alone, she'll take care of the chick and the chick will just crawl under momma while she's sitting. Sometimes we get too involved in the natural process of things. It'd be another story if they we incubated
  7. Barry1963

    my girls are growing up

    Mine are about the same age, theyre 6 1/2 weeks, they'll be outside permanant tommorow, working on the run today
  8. Barry1963

    dust bath "recipe" AND wing feathers already?

    I have one of those tubs you get from home depot or stores like that for mixing concrete. theyre about a 1 ft 1/2 wide, 2 1/2 ft long and about 6 inches deep. I use a regular house window screen and sift the dirt which makes it really fine and removes debri. It works great and the girls spend...
  9. Barry1963

    Won't stop making noise!

    looks like my RIR hens. We have one thats around 2 years old and hardly ever shuts up. We call her good layer, perfectly healthy, just like to hear herself talk.....I know a few people like that
  10. Barry1963

    straw or hay?

    I use pine shaving on the main floor of the coop, but the girls want straw in the nest box. I occasionally throw some straw in the run and then rake it out after a week, it helps in the clean up and makes great compost for the garden
  11. Barry1963

    Just my "happy" chicken pics......

    Your nameless RIR looks like a Sadie to me
  12. Barry1963

    First night in the big girl coop!

    Quote: We bought a wireless system from amazon, ASTAK brand. The receiver plugs into any TV or VCR (nice for recording while your gone)with RC jacks. The one we bought came with three cams and you can set it to loop through all 3 cams or just one or two for that matter. They have the option...
  13. Barry1963

    Do you deliberately scare your chicks?

    When my Barred was two weeks old, it was laying on its side legs extended, looked dead, So I said "chicken" which I use to call them and she jumped right up. I can relate and dont think youre being mean. Its not like your jumping out of the bushes screaming after them
  14. Barry1963

    My Thor is gone...The flock is lost PIC HEAVY

    Sorry for your loss, He sure was a good looking Roo
  15. Barry1963

    My Chicks youtube

    I asked my son to upload a video for me and he took it upon himself to do some
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