Recent content by bastage

  1. It Aint Pretty But It Was Free

    It Aint Pretty But It Was Free

    It aint pretty, But it was FREE So I had my feed split between a 1 qt chick feeder & 24" tray type chick feeder for my 5 Red sex link hens. This was working well except that all the food usage was I think jsut waste as they were knocking the feeders over in the coop. So I went looking for a new...
  2. bastage

    Indoor coop for Bantam's

    ok it sounds like the best ideal is just to have chickens anymore. As far as making a run beagle proof outside, Yes its doable & our old one was pretty well predator secure. The dog & the chickens had co-existed in the back yard for 8 months. I just cant see keeping chickens locked up in an...
  3. bastage

    Indoor coop for Bantam's

    So we have enjoyed having our flock of 3 red sex links since early this spring, but a recent mishap with our beagle has forced me to either get rid of the chickens or the dog. And well the dog is too well behaved other then this one mishap (he was trying to play with one of the chickens and...
  4. bastage

    buying crickets for chicks

    OMG I hadn't thought about using crickets, bu my family sure gets a kick out of it when butter fly's float down into range of our hens. /me goes to my local bait shop
  5. bastage

    BYC Contest - Waterers & Feeders - Win $20 Store Gift Cert. Ended

    here is my cheesey little submission
  6. bastage

    Framing with screws or nails???

    My coop was built using a Senco nail gun with 3" nails & a Senco Staple gun with 1.5" staples. Basically if it was thin enough for the staples to get good penetration through I used them otherwise I used he nail gun. Ultimately though as long as your putting plenty of them in it doesnt matter if...
  7. bastage

    What breed for me?

    well its no Delaware's for me.. This time.. on an impulse I bought 5 Red Star's. There about 4 months old. Unfortunately my coop isn't built yet, so they are spending the night in a dog crate outback covered with a blanket to cut the breeze. They spent who afternoon loose in my backyard & they...
  8. bastage

    What breed for me?

    well Delaware's were near the top of my list & it looks like instead I may have to change my coop plans to accommodate a bigger bird since EVERYONE is recommending them.
  9. bastage

    What breed for me?

    hmm I Can see your point with them not being tame. My dad has several birds from there & To get them back into there coop at night or when he leaves (he is way out in the woods & to have a coyote cross his yard would not be that unusual) he has to chase them to catch them. Although it would be...
  10. bastage

    What breed for me?

    ok what is "my local extension office". And the started birds are less then 10 bucks a pop so pardon my doubt, but how is it likely to find anyone to do it any cheaper? Delaware's do seem like an ideal breed, except that they are a little larger if I am not mistaken & The coop portion of the...
  11. bastage

    Question for the electricions out there, coop electrical problem.

    so if I am understanding your post correctly you are not plugging the extension cord into the GFI'd plug, but into another one on the same circuit. But when you plug into a different circuit everything works. That would indicate to me that the problem isnt with the extension cord or the wiring...
  12. bastage

    Boise Idaho

    New to BYC, but I am a in Kuna (just south of Boise for anyone not from the valley). Corey
  13. bastage

    What breed for me?

    Delewares made it to my very short list, but were ultimately eliminated for 2 reasons. 1st I don't know if I can get them grown & 2nd they area larger bird & Since the coop doesn't appear that its going to be super expansive I figured the little smaller birds would be a little more comfortable.
  14. bastage

    What breed for me?

    So for starters Hi :ya So I want to start a small backyard flock of 5 or so birds for the main purpose of eggs, with a secondary purpose of them eating bugs (mosquitoes specifically as I am not into chemicals, but we have annual outbreaks of west nile when the mosquitoes get bad). I Do live in...
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