Recent content by bbingraham

  1. bbingraham

    Worm in my egg!

    It was a very tough texture, not squishy like I’d expect a membrane to be.
  2. bbingraham

    Worm in my egg!

    It was very tough material - not squishy like I’d expect a membrane to be.
  3. bbingraham

    Worm in my egg!

    Absolutely disgusting! Can someone identify the type of worm so I can use the right treatment?
  4. bbingraham

    Help! Eye issues

    The marks aren't from fighting.
  5. bbingraham

    Help! Eye issues

    Ugh, this all is just making me sick. I've had a closed flock since these guys were a week old (shipped chicks). I don't know how they got sick. I spent so much time and money on these birds and no return on investment yet bc they haven't started laying. I didn't even notice their combs...
  6. bbingraham

    Help! Eye issues

    There are no other symptoms- no sneezing, coughing, lethargy etc.
  7. bbingraham

    Help! Eye issues

    Although the birds have no other symptoms. No sneezing, rasping, etc. Also, I haven't introduced any other birds to my flock. These birds have all been together since they were a few days old.
  8. bbingraham

    Help! Eye issues

    I have several chickens with eye issues. It's so frustrating! I've scoured the internet for info and keep finding conflicting information. (Eye worms, sinus infection, respiratory disease etc....) Has anyone specifically seen this and can help? The chickens act totally fine apart from this...
  9. bbingraham

    Help! Band on the leg got too tight!!!

    Lesson learned - it wasn't regular poultry bands. It was a loom band. I should have removed it but my black copper maran has feathered feet and I couldn't see it anymore so I forgot about it.
  10. bbingraham

    Help! Band on the leg got too tight!!!

    Leg is not black at all - so hopefully I caught it in time!
  11. bbingraham

    Help! Band on the leg got too tight!!!

    I didn't realize the band was getting too tight and then we went on vacation! It looks really bad. I cut the band but it has grown into the leg and really started bleeding when I pulled. The leg is super swollen and chicken can't hardly walk. What can I do?
  12. bbingraham

    Ideas?? 1 automatic door that will open multiple doors??

    Thanks! I wish I knew how to configure something like that!!
  13. bbingraham

    Ideas?? 1 automatic door that will open multiple doors??

    I have a large coop (long rectangular shape) that we have just separated into 4 sections, for 4 different breeds. I currently have an ADOR automatic door opener and love it. But, now I will have 3 other run doors I need to open/close. I'm trying to figure out the best way to do this. Is it...
  14. bbingraham

    Hi! - Lancaster PA thread/group?

    Thanks! I'm a photographer, so it was fun taking pictures of chickies for a change. :) We got chickens for the first time a couple months ago. :)
  15. bbingraham

    Lancaster, PA - I'll take any chickens/roosters you don't want!

    Maybe this is a weird place to post this - sorry if it is offensive! We are starting our dog on a raw diet. If you have any birds that you don't want (too old to lay etc.) and don't want to slaughter them yourself - I'll take them from you! (Or any other animal meat you have that you don't...
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