Recent content by bcfd2004

  1. bcfd2004

    How do you sex or tell the differecnce in Male and Female Guinea Fowl?

    As usual the females make most of the noise. They never seem to shut up, so if you watch them for any length of time you should be able to tell.
  2. bcfd2004

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    Im Not Planning On Getting Close Enough To Spot These Little Differences... If It Looks Like A Snake Its Dead.
  3. bcfd2004

    Best way I've found yet to deal with snake problems!!

    Sorry, But You Need Help...
  4. bcfd2004

    Where Do YOU Get/Rescue Battery Hens From?

    Oh's a secret...I could tell you but then I'd have to kill thought that was where I lived! jk
  5. bcfd2004

    cutest chicken names!

    I thought his name was Foghorn Leghorn.?
  6. bcfd2004

    At What age can we feed other treats such as corn, meal worms, grass, etc...

    Our chicks are a couple weeks old and we have already given them a little green grass and a few meal worms, along with some fresh ground up corn meal. I am a bit concerned about their ability to process these feeds and I have read they don't need grit until 18 weeks? They have done well with...
  7. bcfd2004

    Brooder tips for a 54 gallon Rubbermaid tote?

    We used one to start our 14 chicks. They outgrew it in about a week. We bought a 4 ft kiddy swimming pool for their new home and took old cardboard boxes and formed them around it to keep them in. We built them a roost out of scrap wood that they started using immediately. Really cute when they...
  8. bcfd2004

    Review by '' on item 'Plastic 1 Quart Jar Waterer'

    Using one for 14 new chicks, They are 2 weeks old now and we have to fill it twice a day. Easy to clean by sweeping a finger around it or just swiftly tipping it over. We have ours elevated on top of a couple of bricks to minimize shaving pollution. Same with the mash food dish they seem to be...
  9. bcfd2004

    cutest chicken names!

    We aquired a 2yo Roo and my girlfriend called him George of the jungle Because he likes to strut and the tune came in to her head. After getting to know him better it has become Gentleman George because of his Gentlemanly ways. Protects his hens, beak feeds them, Makes sure they eat before he...
  10. bcfd2004

    Is my brooder ok?

    What kind of bulb is that in the lamp? Looks like one of those useless ones the govt insists us common folk use but is actually good for very little and produces practically NO heat! LOL I was using one of those in our coop to extend daylight savings time hoping to increase egg production. When...
  11. bcfd2004

    I'm Posting This Here Anyway

    Pretty cool. Cute, entertaining AND healthy!
  12. bcfd2004

    Baby chicks dying

    We have also had problems with chick loss. Lost 16 of 16 the last order. Received replacements today and they are much healthier. The first batch took 3 days to arrive in the coldest temps of the year. The second batch arrived in 2 days. We already lost one but they are looking and acting good...
  13. bcfd2004


    Can anyone enlighten me as to the difference between the vetrx for goats and sheep and the one for chickens? I've looked at the ingredients and they are identical as listed though they don't give quantities or percentages. I picked up the wrong one at the co op the other day and need to know if...
  14. bcfd2004

    True Okie from Muskogee Newbie

    Thanks, seems we have been extremely busy getting up and running. Started with just 1/2 dozen hens, lost 4 of them to the neighbors dogs and now have ordered some chicks to be in in a couple weeks. Trying to get the old hen house ready and also getting started with rabbits. It's been pretty...
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