Recent content by bdog

  1. bdog

    Adding hens to flock?

    Thanks for the advice! MY Best, Jimmy
  2. bdog

    Adding hens to flock?

    I lost four laying hens to a Fox! I am get 6 new hens! How do I introduce the new birds? Do I just put them with the others? Do I need to keep them in the 25x25 yard and coop for a couple of days before letting them free range? Any other suggestion will be appreciated! Thanks, Jimmy
  3. bdog

    Bad Foot

    Hi CAS, My Roost are to the cieling , so the highest is about 7'. The cross bars are about 6' feet wide, 1-1/2 round dia. There are four cross bars goin up at about 2' steps. They roost on all of them. They actually hop up them instead of flying up to the top one and do the same coming off the...
  4. bdog

    Bad Foot

    I have a RIR hen (6 mos. old)with a sore foot! The back toe looks like it might be broken. i haven't caught her yet as she is still eatting, drinking and putting a little wieght on the foot! I don't know what to do! Should I catch her and put some kind of medicine on it or give her some kind...
  5. bdog

    Evacuated Chickens

    I live in Natchez, MS and some friends across the river called and asked me to keep thier (11) Buffs during the highwater! I have 16, RR, PBR, EE. Is there anything I need to do! I have an 8x8 house, 25'x25' fenced area around it and let my chickens out into a 1 acre fenced in yard for about...
  6. bdog

    Going to Roost!

    I let my chicken out of the 25'x25' pen with house in the middle everyday at 5PM! They generally go back inside about 7:30pm and I shut the pen gate, but last night 3 must have went to roost in trees outside the pen/coup! They were walking around outside this morning. Tonight they were all...
  7. bdog


    Is there anything I can do about GNATS! The Mississippi river is flooding and we are having a terrible time with Gnats! Thanks, Jimmy
  8. bdog

    How To Stop Food Waste?

    I put concret pads under my feeder (4 -16" sq. pads) and the wasted feed falls on the concrete and they eat it from thier! I also waite untill they have picked up the feed on the concrete before I put out more! They do a good job of picking it up when they get a little hungry! The concrete...
  9. bdog

    What next, after Grower/Starter

    Thanks for the advice will make adjustments and see how they do. My Best, Jimmy
  10. bdog

    What next, after Grower/Starter

    What and when do I go to a Grower or layer type feed! My chicks are 8 weeks old and on the ground in a 25'x25' enclosure. They get to scratch and eat green grass all day. I am feeding Grower/starter now. Thanks, Jimmy
  11. bdog

    Sick Chick

    Thanks Jen, Going down and check her now. Merry Christmas
  12. bdog

    Sick Chick

    I have a 4 week old chick. She has a croked lower beak. She has been fine until today, i noticed one eye is weak and red around it! What could it be and how should I treat it. Should I sperate her from the opther chicks? Thanks, Jimmy
  13. bdog


    When should you switch from the med. chick feed and what type should i go to next? The chickes are 3 weeks old RIR, PBR, EE! Thanks Jimmy
  14. bdog

    crooked beak

    I have one chick that has a crooked beak. It isn't to bad and she seems to be able to eat and drink OK. Is there anything I should or can do to help her? It is the lower beak and stick out to the left of the upper beak about a quaeter of an inch from the end. She is two weeks old. She is...
  15. bdog

    What Temp and how to control!

    I am getting 20 chicks, 10 RIR, 5 PBR, 5 Easter Eggers! The coop is about 42" off the ground. It was a welping pen I've remolded for the chicks. It has a lid over the enclosed part and I don't think I can leave it open because of preditors! I can cut a hole in the lid and put the lamp on top...
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