Recent content by beach babies

  1. beach babies

    Leg paralysis in hen-sudden onset

    I'm in the same boat as the last poster and just don't know what to do. My RIR is 3.5 years old and was in a terrible molt, she looked worse than all the others (we have 4 others) and one morning I just found her sitting on the floor of the coop when the rest of them went out to range. This...
  2. beach babies

    RIR shunned by flock

    thanks for the replies. it is definitely not molt. i can see that now. and now her poor little head is nearly bald. at night when the others go inside the coop to sleep, she stays out in the run drinking water, because they don't let her drink during the day. question: am i making it worse...
  3. the little black one is a barred rock chick at a few days old

    the little black one is a barred rock chick at a few days old

  4. beach babies

    RIR shunned by flock

    would they shun her for molting? the ameracaunas look like they are starting to molt. i can't see anything physically wrong with her (except the now bald spot on her head where they peck her) so i can't imagine what would make them all of a sudden act this way. tonight, the other 5 went inside...
  5. beach babies

    RIR shunned by flock

    arggghhh! i was just watching them from the window and she has been on the perch for at least 2 hours, and when she got down to try to get to the water, they all attacked her! what could be causing this??? and what can i do?
  6. beach babies

    RIR shunned by flock

    we have a flock of 6 hens (no roo), 2 RIR, 2 ameraucauna, 2 barred rocks. they were all raised together from day 1 of their lives, and are now about 14 months old. when they were chicks, the ameracaunas seemed to be "in charge," but by the time they got out into the coop (from the brooding...
  7. Default


  8. beach babies

    When temperatures are 100+ degree, keeping chickens alive

    ah, your poor hot chickens! roccomanchickens, so sorry about the loss of your cornish. i'll send a little of our san francisco fog (& 59 degrees) weather your way. i hope this heat wave breaks soon for y'all.
  9. beach babies

    Ameraucauna pullet with unhealthy-looking comb

    thanks speckled hen. we'd be broken hearted if one of our "hens" turned out to be a roo. we'd have to give him away, so i hope that's not the case. anyone else have opinions? another photo, see it's a bit dryish??
  10. beach babies

    Ameraucauna pullet with unhealthy-looking comb

    i think i have the images sorted... This one is Buttercup, our other Ameracuana, the one whose comb looks healthy to me: this one is Twilight, our Ameraucauna with the possible comb problem
  11. beach babies

    Ameraucauna pullet with unhealthy-looking comb

    excuse my utter newbie-ness, this may be nothing at all, but my instinct is to be concerned. we have 6 pullets (8.5 weeks old), 2 of which are ameraucaunas. Buttercup has a comb that looks plump and healthy, pinkish. but Twilight's comb looks sort of flat and grayish, just not healthy looking...
  12. beach babies

    When can I feed them a worm or some veggies?

    I've got three week old chicks and I'm wonderng when it would be okay to feed them a worm or two, or try them out with some veggie scraps. Are they too young for that still? (I found some awesome wroms in my compost today, but I'm a little afraid the chicks could choke).
  13. beach babies

    New Here from SF Bay Area

    Hi all... We have 6 three week old chicks in the brooder right now, our first foray into chickens. It only took me about 2 hours to fall in love with them all, and I'm a little scared that we might have a rooster and we'll have to find a new home for him. But for now, I'm just enjoying them...
  14. beach babies

    Coop is finally done (pics)

    i have coop envy! it's beautiful.
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