Recent content by Beach chick

  1. Beach chick


    Thanks everyone! I just put a fan in there. It's 89 degrees outside - it was 100 today - very high for here. There are 2 windows but no breeze. They are in a partitioned area in my shed so there's also plastic over wire fencing. I removed some of the plastic so the air can get through...
  2. Beach chick


    It is 91 degrees in the coop right now with 72% humidity and no air movement. One or two hens are on the floor going to the water, the rest are on the roosts but panting and clucking. Should I put a fan in there? Any other suggestions?
  3. Beach chick

    Eating feathers

    Thank you - I think you may be right. They are about 5 1/2 months old and I just switched them to laying crumble which might be higher in protein. Seems to be better already. They have plenty of room and there aren't any that are suffering from the pecker.
  4. Beach chick

    Eating feathers

    I have one Buff Orpington that terrorizes the other hens by sneaking up behind them and pecking a feather out. They all seem to like eating feathers. Does this mean they're lacking something in their diet that they get from the feathers?
  5. Beach chick

    Post a pic of your favorite girl!

    I just joined this site. How do I post a picture? Thanks!
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