Recent content by Bean15

  1. Bean15

    Pullet or cockerel? Please help! (Pics)

    That happened to me with my EE roo. I ordered a pullet but he ended up as a cockerel.
  2. Bean15

    Pullet or cockerel? Please help! (Pics)

    Well hopefully I have a pullet then. at 4 weeks mine also carried herself much lower, not standing so upright as yours did. she definitely has more body than leg. :lol: this gives me a little hope, I'm crossing my fingers that I have a little hen
  3. Bean15

    what gender might i have

    Judging by the leg thickness and the comb, along with the stance, I'd say cockerel
  4. Bean15

    Pullet or cockerel? Please help! (Pics)

    What about the tail? the feathers are somewhat pointed. Don't Copper Maran pullets get copper-colored feathers by now?
  5. Bean15

    Bit of fun, but is it fertile?!?!

    looks like it, that's a pretty defined bullseye. congrats and good luck with the eggs!
  6. Bean15

    Pullet or cockerel? Please help! (Pics)

    Here is my Copper Maran chick at 7 weeks old, I'm having a super hard time sexing her/him. I first I thought I had a hen, but then she became more vocal and her tail feathers were looking slightly pointed. I have experience with marans however, and I remember one of my Midnight Majesty Maran...
  7. Bean15

    Will a wild mallard hurt my babies?

    lucky :lol:
  8. Bean15

    Will a wild mallard hurt my babies?

    I have an issue with hawks in my area, and even a few bald eagles. Since I raise smaller breeds of ducks and chickens, they can be carried off by a hungry bird of prey. To prevent attacks by hawks or any other animals like stray cats and coyotes, I have a pen made with a wooden frame that I...
  9. Bean15

    Will a wild mallard hurt my babies?

    Male ducks aren't very nice when it comes to living with new ducks, especially babies. My males will attempt to reach through our fence and try to get at the new ducklings. He most likely isn't looking for any kind of friendship with your babies. Roosters will do the same, and try to hurt...
  10. Bean15

    Trimming claws on disabled duck

    I have a year old Pekin who lost the ability to stand completely upright on one of his legs due to a slipped tendon a long while ago. he gets around just fine by using the leg as a "paddle", and can even run if he flaps his wings a little. because of the lack of usage of his right leg, the claws...
  11. Bean15

    Why won’t my ducks free range and go to the pond

    Have you just moved them to the coop? You'll need to give them time to warm up to their surroundings before you expect them to go out exploring. Nothing should be wrong with them, my ducks did this too. they'll go out when they feel the need.
  12. Bean15

    Will pullets walk with tail upright?

    Thank goodness. Here are some pictures. I've noticed all of the chicks walk with the tail somewhat up, but hers is longer than the others, making me think it's a cockerel. HOPEFULLY I'm wrong, since it looks like we already have another male in the batch. :hit Guess I have to keep my...
  13. Bean15

    Will pullets walk with tail upright?

    I have a 4.5-ish week old Copper Maran chick, and I was sure she was female until now. I can add photos later once I get some, but I was wondering what behaviours are seen in roos vs hens. This is my only Copper Maran chick so I don't have any others to compare her to, making her difficult to...
  14. Bean15

    New chick

    I'd give it some time. If you try assisting too early, you could discover an unabsorbed egg yolk, which means she wasn't ready to hatch. I would wait 24 hours before getting concerned.
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