Recent content by Beanbag

  1. Beanbag

    Has anyone received white silkie's from Ideal Hatchery?

    Quote: I haven't even ordered them yet!
  2. Beanbag

    PurpleChicken's and Perfectly_Polish's Chicken plucker- idea's needed!

    my husband had once told me that the best way to de-feather or pluck a bird is to boil it and the feathers just kinda fall out with hardly being touched... idk if this works or not or if its anything you'd want to do or anything.
  3. Beanbag

    I cannot believe what my neighbor did today.....

    I am the mother of two kids and it sounds to me like you either need to file a harassment complaint on her or maybe even a restraining order stating that if she steps within ten feet of your children she will be arrested. I don't care how old the lady is, even if she was 110 years old.... If...
  4. Beanbag

    Has anyone received white silkie's from Ideal Hatchery?

    Quote: Your birds are very pretty. However, I have decided that I am going to attempt to get eggs I can hatch at home from a fellow BYCer who has top of the line show quality birds. Not that some of the birds I have seen from hatcheries aren't pretty, but mostly because I am very poor and...
  5. Beanbag

    Lost our youngest Black Giant chick!

    my remaining 3 are still outside. The large chicken coop is on stilts at least 2-3 feet off the ground, the two ends are plywood and the long sides are just chicken wire but on one side it has a tarp covering the chicken wire and tin roofing on top so no rain can get in. Inside of that they are...
  6. Beanbag

    Lost our youngest Black Giant chick!

    Quote: Thanks so much for your kind words.
  7. Beanbag

    Lost our youngest Black Giant chick!

    A sad day today. Went to check on the chicks and the youngest one perished during the night. I don't know weather to be sad or angry. We were keeping them in the house in their chicken cage that was set up so there would be easy clean up that would make no mess and my mother in law was screaming...
  8. Beanbag

    At what age do I stop feeding my chicks starter crumbles?

    Hello everyone! My oldest chick is going on 5 weeks old and the others are between the ages of 2 weeks to 3 1/2 weeks old. When should I stop feeding them starter crumbles and what type of food do I feed them next?
  9. Beanbag

    ......You might be a chicken farmer!

    Quote: HaHa! I did that the day I got my baby chicks.
  10. Beanbag

    Is there anything wrong with my chick?

    If she is a runt then maybe that would explain the sleepiness? It also sounds like she thinks you are her mommy. Make sure you keep us up to date about her over the next few months, I'd love to hear how she is doing as she grows up.
  11. Beanbag

    *Prize Awarded* help me name my little chick

    How about Hope like chickenman8 said? The name Hope given to such a sweet little survivor I think would be a wonderful name because this one little chick and her story make all the difference in the world and gives hope to those with sick chickens just like her. I'm not looking for a prize, but...
  12. Beanbag

    A very neat but sad story about a flock of Buff Laced Polish.

    Hello everyone! I was searching through the google image search for pictures of Buff Laced Polish like I usually do and when I clicked on a picture a page about a story of a flock of free range Buff Laced Polish chickens came up on a blog this Farmer had wrote, and the story and pictures were...
  13. Beanbag

    Frizzle Contest WINNERS!

    Quote: Can you tell me how to set this up? I'd love to try it out! Thanks in advance! Yeah me too. I'd love to try it! HaHa! Me three!!! I just love your photography! jakmallex does wonderful photography too!! So very Jealous!
  14. Beanbag

    Has anyone received white silkie's from Ideal Hatchery?

    Quote: AWWWWW!!!!! I love them they are so cute!!!! I am so jealous of your photography skills! What kind of Camera do you have?
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