Recent content by BeautifulPacificNorthwest

  1. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Ewww! My first kill today. Am sick as a dog ever since. Any thoughts?

    I killed one rooster. One. That's all I could do. It took me two days to screw up my courage and I chopped his head off with a hatchet. First I was relieved, then the shakes took over and I was totally grossed out. I came into the house, got on Craigslist and posted ads for the remaining roos...
  2. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Yellow bottom...perfect target for brooder mates

    I have 15 black chicks and one yellow one. They are all a week old and share the same brooder pen. My yellow chick had pasty butt and in cleaning it off, some of the feathers came off leaving a bald spot. Next time I'll be way more careful Today I noticed two of her her pen mates peck at the...
  3. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Best way to water the flock?

    Here's out watering system using a rain barrel. Instead of using nipples or bowls, we have a float system leading into a small stock tank:
  4. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

    Anyone interested in Cubalaya chicks? I had a very successful hatch (go figure) last weekend and now have way more than I can keep. I'll bring them if anyone is interested.
  5. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Have you ever...

    Not only do I often do things the hard way, but I often break things in the process...using them to do a task for which they were not intended. If I force it and it breaks, it needed replaced anyway, right?
  6. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Has anyone besides me ever been tempted... try and incubate a paper shell egg? I got one from a nest box yesterday and marveled (as I always do) at how oddly cool they are. I bet it would leak and cause all kinds of problems. Probably hatch out a misshapen pancake chick...but still...I wonder... Candling sure would be easy...
  7. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

    Thank you for the quick update. We're planning on attending and soaking it all in. ZooMummzy, 1 pre-order chocolate chip with chocolate crust cheesecake for my husband, and I'm an easy mark to purchase another when we get there. Buckeye sounds intriguing...
  8. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Oregon Spring Poultry Swap April 23, 2011 in Canby!!!

    Hi Everyone, I'm interested in possibly attending the swap. I have 14 hatchery stock Cubalaya eggs on day 12 in the incubator. Anyone interested in them? I'm brand new to chickens (just hatched my first egg 2 weeks ago) and would love to talk with others in person at the swap. I'm really...
  9. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    My Hen Layed a Dinosaur Egg

    Looks like a wad of silly-putty
  10. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    What in the WORLD?? (pic heavy) UPDATE: Frizzle?! WOW!!

    I have absolutely no idea, but I must say, those are really good pictures!
  11. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    I put them on shavings!

    I have a puppy pee-pee pad folded up underneath my water
  12. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    I put them on shavings!

    Uh Oh, mine are on straw. Any problems with that that I am unaware of?
  13. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Muddy Coop Club

    I LOVE this post! I wish I had thought of it. It's so nice to commiserate. ***Squish***Squish***Squich*** I too am mucking through mud and rain tending to animals. We have had steady rain and the ground just can't absorb any more. Finally there was a break and it stopped raining for a few days...
  14. BeautifulPacificNorthwest

    Golden Comets

    Columbiacritter, Scappoose Oregon? I'm from St. Helens. I think we're both referring to Linnton Feed and Seed. Don't you just love that feed store? Did they tell you who the hatchery was?
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