Recent content by Becki78

  1. Becki78

    One of my girls is being bullied!! Help!

    One of my six girls is being bullied so badly. One eye was pecked at really bad, it was swollen for a couple of days and now is getting better. I am finding her feathers everywhere! She is not bald in any one spot so I think they are just grabbing her where ever they can. And now the past...
  2. Becki78

    Which roofing material is best for winter?

    Wow thanks for all the good advice! I think I am leaning towards metal now. Any suggestions on how to protect the sides so no one gets cut?
  3. Becki78

    Which roofing material is best for winter?

    I have slowly but surely been building and improving my coop over the past few months but can't make up my mind on which roofing material to use. It is 4'x6'. I don't really want to do shingles as they can be heavy and we plan on moving in a year and want to be able to easily transport it. I...
  4. Becki78

    To treat or not to treat

    I just gave some to them. Boy was that a hit! I never knew they love that stuff!
  5. Becki78

    To treat or not to treat

    Thank you for advice. I have lots of raw garlic on hand and will start with tonight! I thank you!
  6. Becki78

    To treat or not to treat

    We recently had a dramatic change in tempature and lots and lots of rain. I let the girls out in the yard today for the first time since the rain stopped. . When I picked one of them up i noticed a small wheeze come out. She didn't make another wheenzing noise until a few minutes later. After a...
  7. Becki78

    I found baby mice!!! What should I do??

    I would feed them to the chickens or my husbands snake right away! Either way i would make sure they don't grow up to keep reproducing around my or my chickens house!
  8. Becki78

    Love this website and of course my girls!

    I can't get over all the advice and first hand stories available on here! It's so great! I live in Denton, about 30 minutes north of Dallas and have six 9 month old girls. Right now two have a case of bumblefoot that I am treating but in the meantime I am making plans to prepare the coop for...
  9. Becki78

    Anyone use SAND in the run/coop

    I am really interested in the changing to sand in both the coop and run. I was wondering though, what are you using in the nest boxes? Sand or do you still use shavings/hay?
  10. Becki78

    Bumblefoot disease and need help!!

    P.S. I noticed you said how much do I feed them... I just keep the feeder full, oh and I mix crushed egg shell in the feed for added calcium. Sorry if I am being so specific but since I am new new at this, I'm giving full details. I guess I am a little worried I'm not doing something right...
  11. Becki78

    Bumblefoot disease and need help!!

    I feed them pellet and they graze the backyard every other day. I did start adding vitamin supp. yesterday and put a frozen water in the tub each day since it we are having 100 degree heat in Texas right now. I also give them lots of srcrap fruits and veggies, dried worms and corn. I did a...
  12. Becki78

    Bumblefoot disease and need help!!

    I am a new chicken owner as of just Feb. this year. I have six chickens, one black, three brown and two white. The two white ones who happen to be the smallest of the bunch have bumblefoot and I am having a heck of time treating it. Here is a run down of treatment so far. Since I am new at...
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