Recent content by BekR03

  1. BekR03

    PLEASE HELP!! My rooster is sick....

    I separated him from the rest of the flock. I then gave him the molasses flush that Wyandottes7 suggested. After I gave him that for the 24 hours I fed him chick feed (a friend told me that was fine), carrots, and only vitamin water. He slowly started to straighten up and a week and a half later...
  2. BekR03


    I have 14 EE that (fingers crossed) will be laying soon! 2 Rhode Island Red hens and 1 RIR rooster named Brooster. 1 Delaware and 1 New Hampshire Red. Ken who is my Americana rooster and his sister Belle. I have just gotten 3 hens and 1 rooster bantams from a friend as a gift! 2 dominick hens...
  3. BekR03

    M I Crooked Letter Crooked Letter...ahh, nevermind....Mississippi

    Hello!! I'm new to BYC and am VERY excited about all the info on here! I originally got involved with chickens for my senior year project in high school. I'm now married and living in Purvis with 31 chickens and 2 dog children. I can't wait to meet everyone!!!
  4. BekR03


    Hi! I'm excited to find fellow Mississippians who love chickens! I'm in Purvis with 31 chickens. Can't wait to meet everyone!!!
  5. BekR03

    PLEASE HELP!! My rooster is sick....

    Thank you! I am headed to the store now!
  6. BekR03

    PLEASE HELP!! My rooster is sick....

    We did find a dead cat on the other side of our property (I think the neighbors hurt and it died on our land) We could smell it for a couple of days until we FINALLY found it. We took the carcass to the dumpster at my husbands work (because they were picking up the next day where as ours we...
  7. BekR03

    PLEASE HELP!! My rooster is sick....

    I could not find any form of injury on him. I could lift his head up, but he could not hold it all the way up himself. How can I treat Botulism? I have put him in a separate coop away from the others.
  8. BekR03

    PLEASE HELP!! My rooster is sick....

    What is wrong with my rooster? I came home from work today and this is what he looked like!! I went in to the coop and he (Brooster) would not straighten up. I got some corn and meal worms to try and get him to come to me. This is VERY unusual for him because he MUST eat out of my hand everyday...
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