Recent content by Bellagarliepp

  1. Bellagarliepp

    Head wound

    Hi guys, I need some advice. We have 11 chickens 6 adults fully grown and 5 almost 5 months old. They have been getting along free ranging, they would all hang out together no problems. Night before last was the first night they all slept in the same coop. Went out to let them out the next...
  2. Bellagarliepp

    Upcycle recycle

    I know that’s one of my hesitations is it’s not tall enough to stand in but I just think it’s to nice to just use as firewood
  3. Bellagarliepp

    Upcycle recycle

    im Hoping to measure it this weekend. @DobieLover thank you so much for the tips I’ve never thought about using tarp to help with wind in the run. My ideal thing would be to not have them Cooped up all winter long
  4. Bellagarliepp

    Upcycle recycle

    This playhouse was here when we moved in. I have been trying to figure something out to reuse it. I don’t have dimensions yet...need to find a tape measure. But do you think that it could house 6 chickens? Also any tips for making is a nice cute chicken coop would be awesome!
  5. Bellagarliepp

    Everyone’s favorite question

    All hens? Could I be lucky? There are 6 different chickies.
  6. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    Nope, they went outside for a little today that would be the only new thing
  7. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    New question what kind of poop is this?
  8. Bellagarliepp

    Total beginner, welcome any advice

    I got my first set of chicks at the end of Febuary from Murdoch’s the chick helpers were so helpful. I have read a lot about chicks/chickens between this site and there are a couple of pages I joined on Facebook that have helped a ton. Any time I feel inexperienced about anything I normally...
  9. Bellagarliepp

    New mom

  10. Bellagarliepp

    New mom

    Update! Chickies are doing great, since posting this I’ve only added two so a total of 6. I’ve been good every time I go to the feed store, although im not allowed to go by myself.
  11. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    Sorry it took so long had a very busy week. Here are some photos they are 1 month old.
  12. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    They are roughly 4 weeks old. I will try and get some pics today
  13. Bellagarliepp

    Runny dropping

    so some of my chicks will have runny poop randomly. I’ve spent a lot of time trying to figure out if it was just one chick or not. But it’s all Of them and not every time it’s super random. I did just switch their food but I mixed their old food in with the new stuff for a week first. How...
  14. Bellagarliepp

    Comb normal?

    Thank you all I wanted to hear was that it was normal
  15. Bellagarliepp

    New mom

    How do your chickens do in the winter? Do you keep an extra source of heat for them?
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