Recent content by Berkie

  1. Berkie

    Kentucky people

    What product lines are available in your local mills for poultry & gamebird feed? Finding out the product lines I am used to are not available in your area, I like feeds that are small in crumble size. We have a scratch feed made by Prince that the cracked corn in it is as small as a gamebird...
  2. Berkie

    Kentucky people

    Thanks so much for the help with directions for me to ask around! I will be down there this coming week as the horse hauler is delivering our horse at a stables and than we will do some house shopping, so I will make some calls.
  3. Berkie

    Kentucky people

    Hello, Looking for some information, our family is relocating into KY, Lexington is where the job is located. Does anyone know of a feed mill that sells gamebird starter or is able to also do custom mix's? I am used to our mill who puts together a custom feed mix of around 1000 pounds which has...
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