Recent content by Berner Mom

  1. Berner Mom

    Mixing Breeds in the Flock

    I love my Easter Eggers/Auracanas. I have a mixed flock and love the variation in my eggs, but RIR in my opinion are not for me. The roosters are pure evil and though the hens are nice they only really laid for the first year and then production really went down. I also have Brahms's and...
  2. Berner Mom

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    We have put up the fence, added the lights and have the rest of the trim painted if not on yet. The "kids" enjoying the yard. The actual yard they get to enjoy, and it is fenced in.
  3. Berner Mom

    post your chicken coop pictures here!

    Still a work in progress but since this picture we have put up the lights and outside outlet. Along with a run in case I need to keep them confined. A view of the interior. Only difference is now I have a 5 gallon bucket with nipples instead of the 1 gallon waterer.
  4. Berner Mom

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    Beautiful Kings, and Queens of Brahmalot may your adventures continue.
  5. Berner Mom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    I don't know about the rest of you but I have no problem with marking my own territory . It may be easier for a man but never fear woman power is here!
  6. Berner Mom

    A cat killed The Duchess of Yolk :(

    As someone with a large barn we do NOT appreciate the arrival of someone else's problem. A trip to the humane society would have been better. I hate seeing the scared, usually starved cats along with the litter of kittens if it is a girl since you can't get that close to them and how do you...
  7. Berner Mom

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    My Favorite Story Ever! Please keep being the official scribe of Brahmalot. We await your every word and picture.
  8. Berner Mom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Not what I was hoping to hear. I am so sorry for you sister. No dog should have to end like that. I hope the law finds that sicko under the jail.
  9. Berner Mom

    Dog lovers - post pics of your dogs!

    As a matter of fact they do. Most learn quickly and enjoy doing it.
  10. Berner Mom

    Dog lovers - post pics of your dogs!

    Thank you. I think so too.
  11. Berner Mom

    Dog lovers - post pics of your dogs!

    Dude (RIP) and Mini. Marcy Gund These are my Bernese Mountain Dogs.
  12. Berner Mom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Love Fair Haven! Go Camping there every year in the Park. Such a wonderful place to live.
  13. Berner Mom

    Long live the King - the neverending story of Brahmalot!

    Glad the Royal Champions have a clean bill of health. They are being puppies and will get into everything and boots are of coarse a favorite. Also glad the little one have a good momma that they can follow and learn the ropes from. Such beautiful birds and dogs too of coarse.
  14. Berner Mom

    Polish chickens in deplorable condition

    What wonderful news! Sounds like they are enjoying life and rewarding you for your efforts. May they have a good chicken life from now on.
  15. Berner Mom

    NY chicken lover!!!!

    Welcome to the group fellow Northern Saratoga County Person.
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