Recent content by Bethyboochickens

  1. Bethyboochickens

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you for the answer :) the seller advertised all her silkies are kept together so she doesn't know what I would get. She has white, black , different splash colors and buff. So I guess it's a mystery lol
  2. Bethyboochickens

    Silkie thread!

    Thank you! I actually chanced it and ordered them on eBay lol I'm so in love with all of them and I was such a wreck during the whole process as to second guessing the humidity etc. I kept telling myself that if at least one hatched I'd be grateful so I was super excited when 6 did lol
  3. Bethyboochickens

    Silkie thread!

    Chick 6 Harley Quinn Chick 1 knight :) Chick 2 batgirl chick 3 Marilyn monroe chick 4 odd ball Chick 5 butter Hi everyone. I'm super excited I had my first incubator hatch and had 6 out of 8 hatch! I ordered eggs on line of don't know what you will get silkies or showgirls lol I did get...
  4. Bethyboochickens

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    Thank . Thank you :) that was my guess.
  5. Bethyboochickens

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    They are 4-5 weeks old and very tiny.sorry the pics aren't the greatest.
  6. Bethyboochickens

    Show off your Old English Game Bantams!!

    Sorry to bug everyone. I'm new to all this and have been going nuts for 3 weeks trying to figure out what my chicks are? They are now about 4 weeks old. The lady I got the from said she only had Cochins and Rhode Island reds. But once I messaged her to see what else she had to see if I could...
  7. Bethyboochickens

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    They are very tiny that's why I was confused of there age I've had them 3 weeks and they were around a week old when I got them. Thank you I'll have to check that out :)
  8. Bethyboochickens

    4 week old Welsummer Pullet or Roo???

    Hello I was wondering if my chicks look like welsummers? They ar around 4 weeks old now. Sorry for the not so great pics they weren't feeeling it today lol
  9. Bethyboochickens

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    Hello I was wondering if you could tell what my chicks are? They are 4 -5 weeks old. Thank you :)
  10. Bethyboochickens

    Silkie thread!

    This is snow 5 weeks old :) This is little 4 weeks old :) This is nugget 6 weeks old :) Hello everyone :) I was wondering if it was to young to tell the sex of my chicks? I'm new to having chickens. Also they will be moved to there own pen now that they've out grown there...
  11. Bethyboochickens

    Show me your Easter Egger chicks please.

    Hi everyone :) I'm new to this site and owning chickens. I got my 2 chicks first week of august and was told that they were Cochins but I think they are ee they are now about 4 or 5 weeks old. Probably to young to tell the sex but I was wondering if they look like ee to you? Thank you for your...
  12. Bethyboochickens

    Don't know what breed or gender you have? Click here!

    Hello I got these 2 little chicks a couple days ago I was told they are Cochin bantams. I don't think they are because they don't have any fuzz on there legs. I'm hoping to find out what breed they are and I can't get a hold of the lady I got them from. She told me she has Rhode Island reds and...
  13. Bethyboochickens

    Cochin Thread!!!

    Thank you. I've been on stop googling and I found 2 chicken that the chicks look identical. West summers and old English game. If my chicks had fuzz on there feet I'd think possibly Cochin but the have bare little legs lol. I just hope what ever kind they are they are good with my silkies. I'm...
  14. Bethyboochickens

    Cochin Thread!!!

    This is the best I could get is them next to my 3, 2, and 1 week old silkie. I'll try to get a better one
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