Recent content by Bidoville

  1. Bidoville

    Very sick and lethargic chicken; off balance, nearly dead

    She's about 2.5 and was a good layer with solid eggs. It's been at least two months till she laid. ye
  2. Bidoville

    Very sick and lethargic chicken; off balance, nearly dead

    Thank you! She is pooping, watery with a little solid waste. Will give her a bath tomorrow with hot water and check for egg near vent. I felt around her vent tonight and didn't feel anything.
  3. Bidoville

    Very sick and lethargic chicken; off balance, nearly dead

    Thank you for the response. Her feet are normal, no visible issues there. One or two nails look wider than normal (like it doesn't come to a neat point). The lump is large an in her abdomen. She tilts her rear up when sitting. We just have her some calcium carbonate.
  4. Bidoville

    Very sick and lethargic chicken; off balance, nearly dead

    About a week ago our hen was becoming lethargic. In just a couple of days she was so weak that she was no longer eating or drinking (as we figured this out last night). She feels incredibly light and boney, and I noticed a large lump in between her legs. Egg bound? To my knowledge she hasn't...
  5. Bidoville

    **Help!** Four week old chick suddenly lame

    Thanks for the correction. She's still lethargic, but was able to stand on both feet. She's using her wings as balance, almost trying to touch the ground. We'll see what happens. Any other thoughts? Should we give her any supplements?
  6. Bidoville

    **Help!** Four week old chick suddenly lame

    Thank you for your reply! Her legs and feet are pointing the same direction, and she's definitely not pullet age yet (just barely four weeks). She's been a lethargic chick from the get go (a day or two old). Any other thoughts? We will definitely isolate her.
  7. Bidoville

    **Help!** Four week old chick suddenly lame

    The facts: Buff Orpington chick, a little smaller than the others her age, went lame this afternoon after walking normally for the last four weeks. Scuttles around on her knee joints, unable to full support body weight on feet and legs. Compared to other chickens, her legs are skinny and feet...
  8. Bidoville

    PVC Feeder

    At least one of our hens had a pretty large comb. You'd be surprised how adaptable they are when it comes to their feed! With the pull of gravity, the feed spills pretty evenly, and I haven't noticed a problem with our hens. It would definitely be worth trying. At two and a half feet tall...
  9. Bidoville


    As a side note, buffs are known to be broody. Ours JUST started laying again (after at least 3 month hiatus, maybe longer).
  10. Bidoville


    Hello! We have two buffs, and one went broody just before winter. Stopped getting out of the nest box, and stopped laying. We had to physically move her to get her to eat and drink, and for her to get out of the coop. Not sure about the hiccups, though, but it sounds like a broody hen to me...
  11. Bidoville

    PVC Feeder

    I will also mention that I put diatomaceous earth in the bottom of the feeder (maybe an inch), and then grit on top of that until it was flush with the top of the wye entrance, then I added the food (so, food is not pilling at the bottom of the feeder).
  12. Bidoville

    PVC Feeder

    So, we had a five pound feeder (steel construction) that our birds were just DUMPING into the coop. The scratched it everywhere, and we were filling their food maybe every other day. Decided to make these PVC feeders last week, and I am astounded at how clean the food has been, but how much they...
  13. Bidoville

    Buff Orpington Egg Color

    That's awesome! I've noticed of our two buffs, one seems to be consistently laying larger and darker brown eggs. They other seems to lay just a little smaller and lighter. I don't put too much stock in the ear color, but if it matches it matches! Every once in a while I get a super light egg...
  14. Bidoville


    It really does depend, but if you're concerned be sure to rule out a couple of things: Make sure you don't have a pest problem. Most pests that affect a molt are fleas and mites, critters you will be able to see with your naked eye. Pick through your chicken's feathers and see if you spot any...
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