Recent content by BigMommaZ

  1. BigMommaZ

    Rooster won't go outside anymore

    Greetings, I have a LF coop/run with 12 ladies and a bantam coop/run with 2 roosters and 4 ladies. Recently one of my bantam roos (the top roo) contracted cocci to the point of almost expiring. I syringe fed him three times a day both water and food until now he is eating and drinking on his...
  2. BigMommaZ

    Two Bantam Roos - Move One to LF Coop?

    Thank you QueenMisha. I thought only the top Roo was able to have "access" to the ladies so I figured 1 male with the 4 female wasn't perfect but workable but if both are going to take liberties then I think I need to do something. I will move one of the roos to the LF side in a while while I...
  3. BigMommaZ

    Two Bantam Roos - Move One to LF Coop?

    I have two coops/runs separated by chicken wire fencing both inside and out. One side has only bantam cochins consisting of 2 boys and 4 girls (12 weeks old). The other side has 12 large fowl (various breeds) ladies. Seven are older (2-4 yrs old) and 5 are young (14 weeks old). My two...
  4. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    SunHwakwon - thanks for the info. Two of my babies from my second group are roosters. They are bantam cochins but one, Tank, is already a leader at 7 weeks old. We shall see how he does as he matures. My second roo, Thunder, is definitely second in command. He may even be the last in the...
  5. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    I considered guinea hens but I am not sure they would integrate well within the existing flock. I will research a little more. I see guinea hens roaming up and down a few streets by me so I now wonder if they are strictly a free range type of bird that does not do well in confinement. I...
  6. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    Thanks Poodlechicks, I've never lost a chicken to a predator in the 6 years I've had them, just so sad but I know it is a fact of life as they are prey animals and predators are everywhere. I must simply do my best to ramp up my security of the coop/run.
  7. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    Hmmm...Poodlechicks, never thought the llamas would protect the flock from me but I guess it would make sense. I think if the cat or evil dooer got through to the big girls side there may have been a different outcome. I've seen them attack mice and snakes. Heck, Lucy (my Buff Orpington) even...
  8. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    SunHawkwon - That's another reason I didn't beat the cat. I had no proof it was actually him but I think a raccoon would have been more obvious in the destruction of the fencing but it was just super coincidental that a cat was sitting in the brush so close to the massacre. I just read that...
  9. BigMommaZ

    Animals to protect or alert when flock is in danger?

    This morning I went to my new coop to feed the girls. I have one large 20x30 coop (used to be a run in shed) divided for my large fowl and bantams and an attached run 30x30 divided as well. We covered the entire run including the top and dug not only a foot down but a foot or so out and buried...
  10. BigMommaZ

    Banties with LF?

    Oh, sad to hear. Maybe I will build a small space in the new big coop for the banties to be and when they pass on of older age I will use it as a grow out/quarantine space. Either that or split the coop and add more banties since it seems a shame to have only 3 in a coop.
  11. BigMommaZ

    Banties with LF?

    chicklover1998, I have one white silkie, a black frizzle and a cinnamon colored frizzle. I will add that the black frizzle, Jetta, is a spitfire and I can see her beating a big girl down if necessary but my silkie once screamed for a while because one of my Americana's dug herself into their...
  12. BigMommaZ

    Banties with LF?

    Thank you for replying chicklover 1998. I will add all newbies and banties to the new space with the big girls when the coop is ready and the new girls are fully feathered. My daughter thought they would always be picked on because they are smaller but I think Jetta, my black frizzle, will...
  13. BigMommaZ

    Banties with LF?

    I've seen posts on integrating two flocks but I wonder if size matters.... I have 10 large fowl and 3 bantams (1 silkie and2 frizzles). They have lived side by side in the coop and run partitioned by chicken wire. We recently moved and I was able to recreate the separation of coop and run...
  14. BigMommaZ

    Banties with LF?

    I've seen similar posts about merging flocks but does it matter with size? I have 10 large fowl and 3 bantams (1 silkie and2 frizzles). They have lived side by side in the coop and run partitioned by chicken wire for almost 2 years. We recently moved and I was able to recreate the separation...
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