
Hi there! I'm Lexie & I'm from the Black Hills, in South Dakota. I am a nurse by trade & engaged to a USMC veteran & firefighter. We recently made our dream come true of owning acreage & when he made the mistake of saying "You could get a couple chickens if you want" I let the obsession take hold. I am new to chickens, I got my first chicks from a couple box stores in Feb 2021. I currently have 25 chickens (4 roos & 21 hens), 5 ducks, & 5 guineas. (It started with 4 chicks & 2 ducklings, but chicken math) They are a mix of Brahma, cochin, Ayam Cemani, Wyandotte, Orpington, Plymouth Rock, Sex Link, ISA Brown, Polish, Silkie, Maran, a mystery BB & I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. I love the therapeutic properties of chicken ownership, 1 hour with my ladies has been more effective than months in therapy. Currently, with the health situation in SD, we don't have much time for other hobbies, but we both enjoy being outdoors so hiking, camping, driving the trails in the side by side, shooting, etc. I used to garden & make jewelry & plan on taking that up again, once our schedules open up a little more & we get better settled in our new home. He is big on restoring vehicles, autocross, & drag racing; I am slowly getting into that as well. I, on the other hand, am a big time nerd; anime, manga, DND, etc.
I'm originally from Chicago, so I'm 100% new to rural life & so far, I'm NEVER going back. It's been a lot of work, but I'm loving it. We also own 4 very large dogs; Blue aka our House Hippo is an 11 year old blue pitbull, Mira is our 4 year old Dogo Argentino, Dozer & Missy Mae are their 2 year old pups. So, we have roughly 400 pounds of dog to welcome us when we get home from work. Yes, the animals vastly outnumber the humans.
August 1
Rapid City, SD
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I just started raising chickens & I am looking for support



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