Recent content by birdlady58

  1. birdlady58

    6 ft run for sale-central TX

    I bought this a few months ago for chicks and do not need it anymore. (had it set up in my garage)I paid over 110- for it. There might be a few screws missing but it can be assembled as is and is set up now but empty. We are in central TX close to Hillsboro, Waco and Temple and only an hour from...
  2. birdlady58

    I'm so freakin mad!!! *VENT*

    Next time ask him TO MOW, that way it won't get done lol
  3. birdlady58

    VACATION????? HELP!!!

    You said your vacation is in August? Well, then you have plenty of time to make a friend and meet neighbors! My neighbor feeds and waters and collects eggs and I watch their dog. I'm sure by then you'll find somebody to do it for you :-) Have fun, I heard the Cape is beautiful.
  4. birdlady58

    Here's the problem!

    Can you seperate them with a small run of their own? This way, you get to keep them all.
  5. birdlady58

    Chicken Snake!!!!

    Someone told me a long long time ago to sprinkle moth balls around the coop area. They said snakes will not cross over them. I never tried it so don't know if it works.
  6. birdlady58

    Why raise a hen house?Help!

    Ours is raised and I find the chickens keep cooler in the dirt under there in the hot summers. Ours is approx 14" above the ground.
  7. birdlady58


    We made a little "staircase" up to the nest boxes inside the coop on one wall. But, before that was added on (when we realized they couldn't get up lol) we used a wooden box. I'm sure you have something safe for them to climb up on?? Good luck
  8. birdlady58

    I need coop layouts!

    Yes, they are way too young to be able to get into the coop on their own now, nor should they be outside yet. When they are older, confining them to the coop for 4-5 days will help let them know where to go at dusk
  9. birdlady58

    Chick brooder stinks!!!!

    I would change mine daily. It just took a total of 5 minutes if that. And, it still stunk lol
  10. birdlady58

    feedstore chicks?

    Going way back to an earlier reply to this post: I agree, leghorns are lunatics. Well my two hens are anyhow. They are small little hyper chickens but lay BIG eggs
  11. birdlady58

    lawn mowers and chickens....

    Mine love the grass clippings from my mulching blade. Also, I don't know if it is important or not, but my lawn is never fertilized! I am not sure if that would harm them or not, but be careful.
  12. birdlady58

    Who wants to hear some real crap... this will be long....

    GUINEAS! How cruel:lol: Their sound is horribly annoying
  13. birdlady58

    eek MY CHICKEN EAT A FROG!!! eek

    Mine love crawdads:lol:
  14. birdlady58

    abbreviations and pronunciation

    I say ban-tum almost like it's spelled
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